Chapter 2

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Selena Gomez
My phone was ringing waking me up "Hello" I said "Open the door please"I heard "Who this" I said "It's Justin"He said I looked at the clock "Justin it's 7:00 in the morning go home" I said "Not till I talk to Leah"He said "ugh" I said I got up I yawned and went to open the front door I went to drew room "Wake up" I said he got up getting ready for today "Is school today"He asked "No it's Saturday dad here"I said he nodded "Leah"I said knocking on her door Justin came by her door "Leah Marie Drew Bieber"Justin said "She probably sleep"I said "Back up"Justin said I did soon he kicked her door in "I'll pay to get that fixed"he said "Get up"He said she sat there with her arms crossed "get to the living room now"He said she didn't move she stayed on the bed "Leah"I said "Let's go get breakfast Okay" I said "I'm not getting breakfast with him"she said "Drew go fix you some cereal we need talk to Leah"I said he nodded me and Justin sat with Leah she moved away from Justin "You not my father" she said she walked out the room he followed her " Get back here Leah Bieber "He said "or what You gonna hit me too like you hit mom you hurt Mom and you expect everything to be normal now after years god dad I hate you I wish you never came back I HATE YOU"She screaming hitting him he grabbed her she tried to pulled away once she got free she ran to the backyard I looked at Justin Drew came in he was so confused I went to Leah she was crying I hugged her I kissed her head soon Justin came "Leah"He said "leave me alone"She said "I can't leave you alone you my flesh and blood I was scared when Selena was pregnant with you we almost lost you but you're here our baby girl my girl"Justin said "Look I'm sorry for how I treated your mother I'm sorry you had to see that growing up"Justin said "Growing up you left us I was three when you left us"She said "No that's not what happened you didn't tell them what really happened"Justin asked me "Mom what is he talking about"Leah asked "Okay we all did go over my ex girlfriend house because your mother found out about her your mother demanded I take her over there so I did once there she went banging on the door Hailey came out selena got mad attacked her you probably do or don't know your mom has lupus if she stresses herself out she can end up in a coma or worst dead so when she was fighting Hailey I tried to stop them she slapped me and I accidentally hit her I called her bitch because her slapped it hurt like hell she probably thought I choose Hailey but I didn't but she got in the car and drove off with you and drew that was the last time I seen y'all"Justin said "So Mom what was going through your head when you was on that ground"Leah asked "He just told you what I was thinking" I said I got up going in the house I looked at drew I ruined my own marriage because I couldn't trust my own self "You Okay"I heard "Can you watch them for a few I need to go somewhere real quick"I asked Justin he nodded I got my Key and left I went to Pattie house I went in without knocking "Well hi to you too" She said "I made a terrible mistake"I said "With what exactly"She said "I think I ruined my own marriage I didn't trust myself enough even though I allowed him To sleep with other girls I just couldn't bare the thought of sharing my husband with another woman Pattie help me"I said "Selena calm down"She said "What are you talking about"She asked "I think i want my husband back"I said "Okay well were is Justin"She asked "He is with Leah and drew right now"I said "And where is that"She asked "At my house"I said "Selena remember we talked about this don't come to me if you can fix the problem yourself"She said "You right I got this" I said "And another thing my son isn't secretly anymore he likes everything out in the open therefore he doesn't want to kiss inside the house go on a date and kiss or something like that"She said "Um okay" I said I went home I seen Justin and the kids playing a game I smiled I went to my room I changed clothes

Selena GomezMy phone was ringing waking me up "Hello" I said "Open the door please"I heard "Who this" I said "It's Justin"He said I looked at the clock "Justin it's 7:00 in the morning go home" I said "Not till I talk to Leah"He said "ugh" I said ...

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the doorbell rung I went to answer it "Hello Mrs.Gomez is Leah home"Lily asked "Leah Lilly is at the door I said "Okay" She said they went outside "Drew why don't you go keep them company I need to speak with your father about something" I said "Okay"He said and left I sat by Justin his eyes widen "Hi"I said "Um hi"He said "Did you just answer the door in that" he asked "Yup" I said he nodded "Well I just wanted to talk about earlier I just thought you chose Hailey that's why I took the kids and left I didn't know you was coming back"I said "Don't we always come back Selena"He ae said "Well Yea But it was pretty convincing you wasn't so I just left"I said he reached over and kissed me I kissed back I sat on his lap his hands on my butt one hand went under my dress "No underwear and bra"He said I nodded "yea Take me baby"I said we went upstairs he locked the room door he had condoms in his wallet he put one on "Just so you know I have my tube tide"I said he came to me we kissed "Isn't your boyfriend gonna get mad"He said I laughed "I was so totally lying about that"I said he entered me it felt so good to be fucked and loved again by the same man and no one else after sex we laid there "Mom dad car still here"I heard "Um hold on" I said Justin went to sleep I smiled I let him sleep I got dressed I went downstairs "Where's dad"Drew said "He's sleep"I said he nodded soon Leah came back in "Leah you hungry"I asked "I can cook lunch"I said "Okay"She said "What do you and drew want for lunch" I asked "Umm hamburgers"She said I nodded i cooked hamburgers I cooked 6 in total even though it's four people in the house after a few minutes Justin came down without a shirt I looked I had the shirt on he tried to kiss me "No the kids right there" He said "So"He said he kissed me anyway "Am I missing something here"Leah asked "Well Little miss Leah since you asked me and your father always break up and make up so now we just made up after 9 years"I said "Wait"Leah said "Oh ew gross"She said "What"Drew said "Nothing"Leah said "I wanna know"Drew said "Oh trust me drew you don't wanna know about March 20 2016"Leah said me and Justin was confused then I remember she climbed out her crib that day and seen us having sex my eyes widened "Okay moving on to another topic drew Justin is a singer also he can help you in music"I said "Really dad"Drew asked "Yup well I was a singer"Justin said we all ate hamburgers then went to the living room we watched tv as a family my eyes got heavy I went to sleep on Justin chest

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