Chapter 10

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Selena Gomez
when I woke up I felt someone by me I looked to see Justin "Get out my fucking bed" I yelled "Selena Stop yelling I'm trying to sleep"He said I then pushed him out the bed "What the hell"He said "I said get out"I said "Selena"He said "We used to share the bed"he said "Oh really" I said "Yes baby stop"he said "Justin do not come over here"I said as he came by my feet was on his stomach "Stop" I said "Selena relax"He said "Babe relax"He said he moved my foot from his stomach to his side he got between my legs "so my beautiful Selena are you pregnant"He asked "Get the fuck off me Justin"I said "Answer the question"He said "I just had sex with you then bounce back and had sex with him so no I'm not pregnant" I said he rubbed my vagina "You wouldn't mind"He asked "Get the fuck off me" I said "You so sexy this morning Selena"He said rubbing me I arch my back he kissed my neck he pulled my boob out my shirt and played with my nipple "Take this off"He said "The kids needs to get ready for school" I said "They already at school I took them"He said "What about they lunch"I said "Leah told me" He said kissing me he rose up and took his shirt off and my god he had a lot of tattoos "you gonna forget all about this will character when I'm done with you"He said he pulled my panties off then my shirt and his underwear he opened my legs back up he kissed and licked me my eyes rolled "Oh shit" I moaned soon we was at it after sex we laid there "Well I have to shower Thanks for the morning sex" I said after my shower I got dressed to go meet will parents but he said he was picking me up I smiled I didn't have to wear makeup to impress will or anything he liked me the way i am I have two kids a Dysfunctional relationship in all I liked him for that I got a text it was Justin "Help me"He said I went to find him and let's just say he was in a bloody sticky mess "What happened" I said "Um I tripped and fell"He said "And I was shaving"he added "You was shaving your legs" I asked I got a text "I'm outside"it said "Sorry I have to deal with Justin he cut himself and might have to get stitches or better yet poisonous suck out of him so I have to take a rain check"I said "We can go later on"he texted "Kk" I said I went and got Justin some clothes and got him dressed he had about three deep cuts that wouldn't stop bleeding I grabbed the car keys and we went to the emergency room "Yes my husband cut himself shaving"I said "Do you want to Stay with your husband or wait in the waiting room"She asked "I'll go with my husband" I said she nodded we went to a room "Okay"She said "Let's See"The nurse said "Okay you are bleeding and it won't stop you also almost cut by your tattoo"she said "It's great that Selena was there and you was careful not too"the nurse said "let's get you bandage up and you can be on your way"the lady said "Wait I ate celery this morning and lm having a allergic reaction"Justin said I rolled my eyes "A person who allergic to something know they not supposed to be be eating it"the nurse said "And mr.Bieber you where diagnosed with the allergic reactions of celery at the age of 15 symptoms shortness of breath and face swelling you are not showing any of them symptoms"she said "Mrs.Bieber a word outside"The nurse asked "Whatever you have to say to her you can say to me"Justin said "okay Fine"the nurse asked "Selena are you still seeing the other guy"she asked "Um not that it's any of anyone business yes why"I said "Did you two have plans today"She asked "Yes" I said "Your husband is stalling for you not to go and I think you shouldn't you two have two kids"she said "I can recommend get a doctor in here to talk to you two about maybe couple therapy but cheating isn't gonna solve anything but make people mad"she said "all due of respect this my situation and I When you been through the pain I been through then you can tell me something about cheating" I said "Justin find your own way home I'm going to will" I said I went to will house crying I rung the door bell "Selena what's wrong"He asked "Please just hold me" I said "Okay"He said we sat on the couch he held me he smelled like heaven and soap "So what happened"he asked "this morning he literally threw himself at me till I gave in and we had sex then I thanked him for the morning sex so I took my shower to get ready after I waited for you to come then while I was waiting he texted me he Needed help he had cut himself just so I can take him to the hospital then when they bandage him up he tried to make up more excuses he didn't want me to leave he didn't want me with you" I said "Selena when I first met you I knew you was beautiful I just want to sit and talk for hours I don't care for sex if sex comes it comes I don't care for it he might rip your clothes off after a fight but I'll cook you dinner and talk it out then if it comes to that and if you comfortable then maybe sex will happen"will said I smiled "You everything I need in a men"I said he smiled we kissed the door bell rung "Selena" I heard "How the hell he find me"I said I went outside "What how did you find me" I said "A tracker in my car"Justin said "This is crazy" I said "Come home Selena"he said "No" I said I went back in and I got the keys "I'll be back" I said I took Justin his keys "I'll be back to get the kids" I said I went back in "So where was we"I said "Actually I did tell my parents about the rain check so we can't go now"he said "I'm very sorry it's Justin fault" I said "It's okay"He said "No it's not he sabotage us meeting your parents"I said "There will be a next time princess"will said "Want to order food"he asked "Not yet"I said I laid on will we sat watching Netflix "Selena"I heard "Ugh can we go watch this in your room"I asked "Sure"He said "Okay" I said I kissed his lips and walked "Down the hall on the left"he said I nodded but he didn't follow I went to see where he was to my surprise he let Justin in "Where is she I know she here she came in here"Justin said I went to the room and took my shirt off and went to the living room "Will I was waiting on you" I said "Selena where is your shirt"Will asked "Silly we was about to you know" I said "No I don't know" He said "Gosh now I'm in the mood now"I said I went to the kitchen getting water but I felt kisses on my neck I knew it was Justin I went to the living room and sat by will I kissed him "Wait"Will said "What" I said "What just happened"he said "come on will a hot threesome you both like me so why not you both fuck me" I said "Fine"He said "Cool"Justin said I unclamped my bra I grabbed my phone asking Ashley to pick the kids up from school this got to be good both they hands did wonders both had great cocks I loved every minute of it but the thing was we had so much fun none of them or me was thinking about protection and at that I had sex with Justin this morning and had sex with will yesterday my gosh I'm becoming a slut after we had sex I got dressed and went home with Justin as the guards drove the other car when we got home the kids was watching tv "Mom"Leah said "What"I said "why do you have those hickeys"she asked "How do know what hickeys are"I asked "Because dad gave me the talk"she said "The talk he gave you the talk oh yea what talk was that" I said "He said when daddy go inside mommy"she said with the hand in whole movement "So was you and daddy"she asked "GO TO YOUR ROOM"I yelled "oh my god" I said soon my phone rung "Hello" I heard "Hi"I heard "Its pattie"She said "Sorry I didn't see the caller ID" I said "Are you okay" She asked "No I'm not Im stressed"I said "How Are feeling"she said "Like a slut" I said "Oh"She said "Mandy called me"She said "Of course she did" I said "She knew I couldn't handle it" I said "We all knew Selena I owe Jeremy and Scooter 30 bucks"she said "WOW you guys had a bet on long I can stay away from Justin" I said "Well as you know I haven't seen him since Leah was 3 and drew was a infant it's been 9 years about to be 10 but he came one day We was at the park bought them ice cream so yea he back"I said "Talking about me" I heard "Is that Justin"pattie said "Yea" I said "So um you still coming to the party"She asked "Shit I forgot about the party I can't make it that day" I said "I didn't say What Day it is"she said "Well pattie I'm a very busy mother" I said "Let me talk to Justin" She said "He have his own phone" I said "Okay"She said "Well I have to go talk to Leah about the talk her dad told her because she's 13 and shouldn't be having the talk yet"I said "I had the talk with Justin when he was 10"she said "10"I asked "Yea because when I was 3 I was raped till I was 16 so I had to let him know it wasn't okay to treat girls as toys or anything I'm still upset he did Sofia the way he did she was 17 going on 18 and he used her for sex but she liked older guys but it still doesn't make it right but yea I told him about everything about the rape about how He was born and conceived we sat for two hours talking"She said "Oh okay" I said "Well I'm gonna go discipline my husband for giving my daughter the talk while she's 13 because I as a mother didn't approve till she's 17"I said we said bye then hung up "Sex talk at 10"I asked Justin "Yeah she told me everything"he said "Leah" I said "Yes mom"She said "Come" I said she came into the kitchen "Yes me and your father are active and that isn't your or your siblings or anyone business"I said "And for the talk you are my child I didn't want you knowing anything about the talk because when I was your age I was being a child and only a child" I said "What about you and will"She said "My business Leah"I said "Am I Getting a new sister or brother because if so I'm running away"Leah said "No maybe I don't know" I said "I get it mom dad hurt you but getting revenge for what you only hurting yourself and your family"Leah said "I really hate both of you I wish I wasn't even a Bieber nor a Gomez"Leah said running to her room "She's right but I'm starting to like him"I said then walked off

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