Chapter 11

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Selena Gomez
5 weeks later
Justin had dropped the kids off at school then went to a photo shoot for his company so here I was at home holding the pregnancy test crying

I tried all three kind and they all came out ddpositive I sat crying soon I got a text "Anything you want for lunch"It was will "Oh um I'm skipping today I feel sick" I said replying to his text soon he called me "Selena baby you okey"he asked  "Y...

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I tried all three kind and they all came out ddpositive I sat crying soon I got a text "Anything you want for lunch"It was will "Oh um I'm skipping today I feel sick" I said replying to his text soon he called me "Selena baby you okey"he asked  "Yea I'm fine"I said "okay"he said we hung up I put the stuff up in my purse then put it in my safe in my closet Justin didn't even know I had a safe in here I went to lay down I cried I'm such a slut the door opened and closed soon Justin came in he walked to the dresser "Selena have you seen my black hat"He asked "Selena"He asked he came to me "Are you Okay" He asked "Yea I'm fine" I said "Then why are you in bed crying oh because March 5"he said "No it's not that and I said I'm fine" I said crying more I would've had four kids now I got up trying to go to the restroom but he sat me in his lap "Did will do anything"He said "No he didn't"I said "So what's happening"he said "nothing god"I said I got up and ran to the restroom and then threw up "Ohhhh"Justin said I nodded "I can't tell Leah"I said "She already hates me" I said "We are her parents we own what she do she just can't run away she's 13 Selena and for you being pregnant she should be glad to be having another sibling around"He said "Come"Justin said he picked me up and laid me on the bed he tucked me in "I'll make you something to eat"he said "What if it's his baby" I said "Then it's his"He said I smiled He kissed me then walked out I text will to come over he did I texted Justin to let will in when he do come over I laid in bed Justin came with soup "Thanks" I said he sat the tray down the door bell rung "It's probably will" I said he nodded soon they both came back "Wow here we are again 5 weeks later in a bedroom again but to talk" I said "here hold this" I said to Justin I got up going to my closet getting the pregnancy test I came and sat down and sat the test on the bed "Woah"Will said "Yea I'm pregnant" I said "I had sex with both of you that threesome but before that I had sex with will and before that I had sex with Justin the night before that so basically the same week around the same time so there gonna be need to be a Paternity test done for both of you" I said "Okay"Justin said "This will be my first child can I have a week or two to think about this"Will said "Sure" I said he left out "Should I tell him about March 5" I said "That's on you Selena I told you to stop seeing him but you didn't listen to me" Justin said he walked out tears rolled down my face I wiped them I ate the soup and took a small nap when I woke up Justin was sitting by the bed petting my head "What are you doing" I asked "Just making sure the mother of my kids is safe"he said I nodded I got up and walked to the restroom I seen a hickey on my neck "Justin Drew"I said he laughed I went downstairs to fix me lunch I made popcorn then put hot sauce salt pickle juice then I put mustard on top "Are you really about to eat that"Justin asked "Why you always the first to find out I'm Pregnant" I asked "Because I been tapping that ass since 2011 baby"He said I looked at home "I know every inch of that body every little sign that time you was pregnant with Leah I knew baby you haven't worn your tampons you was acting weird like you was trying to hide something but I knew it was something"He said he lifted me up and sat me on the table "and with drew I called you and you was eating this weird shit when you was pregnant with Leah see baby doll I know my selly boo"he said fuck my hormones I started crying "Hey it's okay" He said "It's not okay Justin" I said "Yes it is"He said "No I sat 2015-2017 thinking you don't love me or Leah you went and got Hailey and that pissed me off more then you could imagine when I saw you and her in that restaurant getting food I really wanted to pulled her extension out she took what was mine and Leah's then you started playing with my head I had to quit before I got too involved again you hurt me so much back then all them females it was like I wasn't there Drew and Leah had to hear it every night I sat on that couch crying and when they went home I had to act like the perfect wife" I said crying he looked at me he started crying "I'm so sorry Selena"He said "I didn't respect you or kids or our house"He said "I came back to be here for the kids and to be a better men for you"He said he wiped my tears I wiped his "I love you Selena" He said I grabbed my popcorn and walked off after eating my popcorn I grabbed my keys and went to get the kids from school "Leah" I said "What mom"She said "me you drew and your father will talk when we get home" I said "Whatever"She said we got home drew sat down on the couch "Hold it girl sit"I said Justin came in "So we would like to talk about this as a family" I said "talk about What"drew said "Mom a slut"Leah said "That's punishment for two more months" I said "Make it 6 and I'll be on my way to Canada"she said "your grandparents are in Canada they'll just ship your delinquent ass back here" I said "And don't think about Brazil grandma pat is mix with Brazil and she can make phone calls"I said "And if you do think about China they sex track girls do you really wanna be someone hoe" I said "To get away from this dysfunctional family yes"Leah said "Three years have been added wanna go higher"I said "That's when I'll be in high school freshman"she said "Well good luck trying to make friends because it's gonna be school and home for you young lady" I said "Now back to my news" I said "I'm pregnant" I said "Yay"Drew said "oh hell naw"Leah Yelled standing up "Leah Marie Drew Bieber sit your ass down NOW"I said "No"She said walked off "Get back here Leah"I yelled "Fuck you"She said "Now"I yelled "Leah Listen to your mother"Justin said trying to grab her "Get your hands off me"She yelled she ran in her room slamming the door shut then the door banged On the wall "Where you going" I asked "to grandmas" she yelled "She's gonna bring you back" I said "I'm going over your mother house" she yelled "You think she's gonna baby you or anything she's gonna turn you into a celebrity her little pet" I said "So you a celebrity" She said "Because she made me baby" I said "Bye mom"She said "Leah" I said "Dad take me to grandmas"she said "I'm not taking you no where apologize to your mother"Justin said She walked to me rolled her eyes spit in my face "Sorry I came out of a slut like you slutenta Hoemez isn't that what beliebers use to call you or was it selups I can't keep track"Leah said "Leah Marie Drew Bieber"Justin yelled "I Fucking hate you"Leah said to me "What The hell is wrong with you"I heard I seen Drew come in my defense I started crying wiping the spit off my face I went to my room "You Okay" I looked to see Justin "I'm fine" I said "She hates me" I said "The thing I feared the most happened because I chose to get pay back" I said "What's done is done"He said "I don't want her to hate me she's my only daughter" I said "I'll talk to her"he said I nodde "She hates you too just less"I said "I know"He said he walked out

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