Chapter 9

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Leah Bieber
When I got home from being at lily house I seen dad sitting there at the table looking at his cup "Dad" I said he looked at me "Where's mom" I asked "I don't know"He said I nodded I went to reading my book "Hey dad" I said walking out I went to him "Is it okey if I go get coffee" I said "Kids can't drink coffee"He said "Okay well can I go get a donut"I said he gave me a 20 I went to lily house "I'm gonna go Find my mom You in"She asked "Why find your mom"She asked "Because I want to"I said "You shouldn't"She said "Shes out there with some guy who not my dad" I said "That's not your business"She said "But they my parents" I said "I understand that but not all parents stay together" She said "Mine been back and forth since they was 16 and 17" I said "Okay if they feel that way let them handle it" She said tears came we went to get donuts like I said I would then we went to her house she hugged me as I cried she was really my best friend after being with her helf the night I went back home mom still wasn't home I went Dad was in his room I laid with him "Will mom be back"I asked "She have to she have you and your brother"he said I went to my room and went to sleep

Selena Gomez
I woke up I looked around I seen I was still with will my eyes grew "Shit the kids" I said I got up but I looked to see will walking out the restroom "sorry I didn't wake you you looked so cute sleeping your phone was ringing like five times last night someone name pattie was calling and Mandy your husband even called but I didn't answer it"He said "Thanks for that I don't need any one asking me who you are my daughter and husband already know" I said "What"He said "Yea you didn't use protection but since my birth control fell out my doctor gave me a morning after pill I took it so I won't be pregnant by you then my husband won't get mad"I said "So he knows we had sex"he asked "My doctor out me to him" I said "Well we did just have sex when it happened"He said "Yea I thought we had protection" I said "But Selena can I ask you something"He said "What" I said "You easily gave it to me I didn't have to beg or win you over do he have you that scared"he asked "Being married long as I have I Learned that if I don't give it up he's gonna go get it somewhere else but then I also learned he can grow tired of you so just let him do what he wanna do because at the end of the day his head is on my pillow not there's"I said I started to cry he hugged me "Selena I'm sorry you went through that"he said "Every night he would bring them home" I said soon his face fell "while you and kids was there"I nodded "That son of bitch"He whispered "I should go see this kids off to school and make sure my daughter get to school right"I said "Thanks for listening" I said he hugged me "I'm taking you to see my parents tomorrow"He said "Really Yea I don't care if you have a husband they will love you"he said I smiled I went home I seen the kids already gone Justin sleep on the couch I went to the room soon the room door shut "So how was it" He said "What" He said "You still go see the guy"He said I looked at him he softened up "Are you okay"he asked "Yea Justin I'm Fine" I said I went to the restroom and got in the shower soon I thought what will asked me he had a point soon I felt hands I knew Justin came in "Justin not now"I said he looked at me he grabbed the sponge and washed me off he kissed my face he stared at me I stared at him his thumb rub my cheek he put his thumb inside my mouth I kissed it I closed my eyes tears came he picked me up we went to the bed he held me "Do you love him"He asked "No" I said "But he respects me" I said I got up "And I'm meeting his parents tomorrow" I said "What"He said "He don't care that you my husband he wants to be my boyfriend" I said "What the hell Selena"He said "I come back to be faithful to you and you go off and go get a full blown boyfriend after the fact we get back together" He said "Well how does it feel huh how does it feel to be cheated on I said I would and I said don't complain when I do because you did this to us every girl you brung in that house I remember that well I'm gonna do the same only difference the kids at school they won't be here when my partners here" I said  "whatever you not bringing no one here I'm your man and that guy can stay where he at"He said I smirked I got my phone calling will  "Hey are you busy" I said "Oh I need help getting something and Justin stepped out can you come"I said "Thanks I'll text the address"I said we hung up "You evil little bitch"Justin said soon will came I had changed into some sexy clothes

Selena Gomez I woke up I looked around I seen I was still with will my eyes grew "Shit the kids" I said I got up but I looked to see will walking out the restroom "sorry I didn't wake you you looked so cute sleeping your phone was ringing like fiv...

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I answered the door "Will" I said "So you need help"He said "Yea" I said "It's in my closet it's a box I can't reach"I said we went to the bed then my closet I got on the stool because I was short and so he can see my ass (I had no panties on) "you see that box over there"I did bending over to show him "I thought you said Justin not here" He said "What" I said "Oh he must just came back" I said "Came back huh" He said "Yea now can you get the box please"I said He got the box for me then mugged Justin "Let's go"I said taking his hand "You need to take this off"I heard and felt a pull in my dress my boob popped out my dress I fixed My dress "Oh my god"I said I went to slap Justin but will got in front of me "Leave Her alone"will said "Stay out of this bro"Justin said "She only Called you over to make me jealous"Justin said "Why would she make you jealous if you her husband"will asked "I know she had sex with you I'm Not stupid the only will I know is will Smith and he probably 80 or dead so yea"Justin said "Selena told me about you"Will said "Y'all talking about me"Justin said "She do so I listen"will said "It sickening how she have so much love for a pathetic loser like you I mean who have sex in the house where they kids and wife can hear if you go cheat take it somewhere else where the kids can't hear it and I don't appreciate her crying the way she was she has so much love for you and you treated her like Shit yea I kissed her but she was the one who wanted to have sex she gave up so easily so I asked her she broke down crying telling me how her husband cheated making her feel less of herself she doesn't deserve someone like you"will said Justin just stood there as will stood in his face "Mom"I looked to see Leah there "What are you doing home" I said "So this the guy huh"She said "Please don't be pregnant too I can't bear anymore secrets or siblings"Leah said "What"Will said "Justin has 6 kids" I said "By four different women"I said "Wow"Will said "Yup and I still stayed" I said "So is there a us"Will said "And be honest"he added "I wanna be with you but I love my husband" I said "You said you didn't love him"Justin said "Because I don't I practically just met the guy the other night" I said "And You slept with him"Justin said "And who fault is that" I said "Not mine I didn't say Selena go open your legs for him"Justin said "No but I told I was gonna cheat on you for pay back"I said "So"Will said "Yea I'll still be with you Justin just go have live with it"I said "cool so I'll pick you up tomorrow to meet my parents"will said "Sure babe"I said then he left after kissing my cheek leaving I went back in to see Justin siting there "Oh I'm going to be busy tomorrow so you have to get the kids" I said walking out I went to the room and texted Taylor if she can hang out I was bored soon she came with the girls we sat talking and eating snacks in the kitchen "So how was it was mr.Will"Taylor asked "It was wonderful he's perfect" I said now I have to make sure he on bored with the kids then everything will be okay" I said "That's good"She said "So how's you know"Francia asked "He's Okay I guess he somewhere in the house" I said "He lives here"Taylor asked "Yea he moved in the day the kids went back to school"I said "Wow"Ashley said "Yea" I said "Mom can lily spend the night"Leah asked "Did her mom say she can and wait didn't I punish you off that" I said as she had her phone "Daddy upgraded me to a new phone"she said "He what" I yelled "He got me a new iPhone"She said I stormed to Justin "How dear you get her a new phone I said she was grounded"I yelled "You never here anymore so I said she can"he said "I don't care if I'm on mars I said no dammit" I said I went taking the phone from her "Justin came in "We are her parents we talk about if she gets to be off punishment or not just because she get to go back to school don't mean she off punishment here at home" I said "Home you hardly even here now"he yelled "So what she's still our child Justin I said no phone she's the child we the parents end of discussion"I said I went back to my friends I sat down "Y'all I swear" I said "I know the life of having a teen"Ashley said "She just ugh and her dad" I said "I'm meeting will parents tomorrow and hopefully that will calm my nerves" I said "That's good"They said I nodded "I'm going out"Justin said "I really don't care" I said after my friends left I went to take a nap

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