Chapter 17

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Drew Bieber
I was in my room but i heard crying I walked out I followed the cries I seen mom crying I went to dad I waved him over i pointed to the room he nodded he walked in I watch them he picked mom up laying her in bed he tucked her in then went to the desk I walked out going to Leah room "Leah" I said "What"she said "Mom been crying lately" I said "Okay she always crying" she said "I think her lupus is flaring up" I said "ugh" she groaned we went to mom room mom was sleep dad sat at the desk he sat there tears in his eyes he sat looking at mom sleep "Are you okay dad" I Asked "Yea" he said he put a paper up and walked out Leah reached where he put the paper we read it "It's a song" Leah said we heard groans mom got up and ran to the restroom she was throwing up I ran to get dad "Mom is throwing up" I said as him and Will was talking we ran to mom "It hurts" she cried "Come here"Dad said "Will go get some water"dad said he ran off "It's okay baby" he said "should I call grandma"Leah said "No"dad said "Bring me her purse"Dad said Leah handed him the purse and he got some pills out "why haven't you took theses" he Asked mom "Because I thought I felt better"she said he picked her up sitting on the bed Will came with water "No" she said "It will help"dad said "No I'm fine" she said "Dammit Selena here take this"Dad said "Don't make me force you to take it"he said "What is she taking"will asked "She has lupus"Dad said "My sister has that"he said "Selena babe please take the medicine"will said "No"she said she got up then threw something she walked out then came back she sat on the bed "Well let's take you to the doctor"Will said "No" she said "Mom please"Leah said mom looked at her tears came to Leah eyes "I'll stay here with the kids"Will said "Okay come on I'm taking you to the hospital"Dad said mom started crying "get her some clothes please"dad said I got her some clothes dad picked her up taking her downstairs "Call my mom if you want to go out" I said "I'm not leaving the twins"Will said "Okay"Dad said he grabbed mom clothes and they left "I hope mom okay"Leah said "She's strong" I said "I hope so"Leah said I went into my room I I started reading to keep my mind off mom

Justin Bieber
I sat waiting until they where done with Selena soon they brung her back "We will be back with result"they said I nodded "Are you okay" I said "yea I'm Fine just hurting"she said "I hope I didn't ruin everyone day"she said   "No baby you didn't" I said "Can we talk about that song" I said "Not at the moment" she said "Okay" I said soon she went to sleep walked out then went the cafeteria I got some ice water then I went back to the room Selena got up she walked around the room "You should be in bed" I said "I'm tired of laying down" she said walking around there was a knock a doctor came in "Hello"the doctor said "Hi" she said "so I see you are suffering from bipolar disorder and lupus"he said "Yes I already know that" she said "you are also going through postpartum depression"he said "And I see there's stress is included"he added she sat down "I just had twins so yes I'm stressed" she said "And it's okay to be stressed but not to be stressed"he said "Take some time and enjoy outside"he said "It's hot as hell outside"she said "we'll find something to do and do it"he said she nodded "Okay I'll try" she said "But I'm prescribing you some meds"he said "Okay" she said after we went home I carried her to bed "Do you need anything" I asked "No" she said she closed her eyes "Well I'm about to make sure the kids are good then I'm going over Ryan house" I said "Which Ryan"she said "Ryan good" I said "Okay" she said I kissed her cheek and went to the kids room leah was reading "Dad" she said "Yes" I said "Is mom okay" she said "Yes she's fine just a little upset and stressed" I said "Like depressed" she said "Yes" I said "So be nice" I said "Is it my fault she's upset" she said "No it's not" I said "Mom is upset because well it's called postpartum depression and she gets tired and upset because she doesn't feel like a good mom" I said "So please Leah be nice to her" I said "Okay"she said she hugged me I kissed her cheek and went to Drew room he was taking a nap i walked out I went to see will watching tv "I'm heading out and Selena is sleeping and Drew is sleeping how are the babies" I said "They are sleeping" he said "everyone sleep huh well Leah not sleep" I said "Okay" he said "I'm going over my friend house care to come" I said "no I'm okay" he said "Okay" I said I left out and went to Ryan house

Leah Bieber
I walked into my mom room she was sleep I laid with her "Mom are you awake" I said she said nothing I nodded and went into the kitchen getting some ice cream I sat down on the couch Will was watching tv "So why aren't you in there under my mom" I said "Well because she's not doing well with the twins being here so someone has to watch them"he said "My dad could have watched them" I said "Well your dad isn't here he left"he said "True" I said I sat continued to watch tv mom walked out the room she sat under Will and kissed his cheek "Thanks for being here" she said "Your welcome"he said "Mom can I go to Lilly house" I asked "Sure where's Drew" she asked "Sleep" I said she nodded she grabbed her phone and texted then put her phone down I got up leaving out the house

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