Chapter 22

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Justin Bieber
I laid on the couch she kicked me out the room and each day my clothes are thrown downstairs she told me I had 4 days but now it's been a week I wasn't giving in easily I want this family I love Selena I took a shower then went downstairs to the kitchen and fixed me some food "Bye dad"Drew said then Leah came down "Here" I said giving her 20 bucks "oh yea 20 dollars" she said "I don't want to leave" I said "Well forcing yourself on mom not working" she said then left out Selena came downstairs she had her gown on it took everything in me not to do or say anything she grabbed some coffee "Should you be drinking that while pregnant" I said "What I do don't concern you anymore" she said "Well it's my child so yes it does" I said "I gave you 4 days why are you still here" she said "Because I'm not going anywhere Selena" I said "If she's dies I'll never forgive you for that" she said "You can always forget but I know it won't ever be forgiven" I said she then slid papers towards me I seen the divorce papers "I'm not signing this"I heard a crash then she fell crying "I can't do this" she said crying I picked her up I went upstairs I sat her bed but she grabbed me and I smiled at her we kissed and had sex

Selena Gomez
I opened my eyes I seen Justin sleep I got up and grabbed me some paper and a pic and my things I went downstairs getting dressed then I wrote a note and walked out and away from my life away from My children I know I'm a big celebrity and I'll be found but I can't take it my husband has to leave me to be with a psychiatric person so I'm deciding for him I texted Pattie to get the twins from daycare and get them from school and I went out of town for a few days after I booked my plane and everything I went to the one place I liked the most I was in Hawaii the place I lost my virginity to Justin" I booked a room with my phone then I went in and went to sleep after turning my phone off

Leah Bieber
School was just let out and I seen a car it was grandma Pat I got in and we got Drew and the twins we got to her house we went in "I think something happened" I said "What"grandma pat asked soon dad came in "Selena gone" he said "What do you mean gone" I said "What happened" grandma asked "Hailey wants me to remarry her"he said "If I don't she's gonna kill herself"he said "Your not obligated to be with her this is your choice"grandma said to him then hugged her "I choose my family I want Selena"dad said crying I never seen him so upset like this he was red and huffing and puffing I seen the note in dad hand "Dad can I see that" I said he handed me the note I read it

I'm so sorry for running away from our family. It has been very difficult for me to comprehend my emotions and everything that's happening. I understand that when I'm gonna upset you, but I need this for myself for my health and well being.
Ps.DON'T COME LOOKING FOR ME IM IN HEAVEN TRYING TO G MYSELF Don't Come looking for me I'm in heaven I'm trying to figure out how can I love someone so much

"well she says don't come looking for her" I said "But I think I know where she's at" I said "where is she I can go get her"dad said "she says not to" I said "I know but she's my wife your mom"he said "She needs to be here so we can keep an eye on her"he said Drew started watching tv "This Just in Selena Bieber was seen in a airport is there trouble at home or is she going on vacation"the news man said

Justin Bieber
I grabbed the note from leah hand I read it "I know exactly where she is" I said I booked a private jet and had the got me some clothes then I went to her my baby I'm coming to get you

Drew Bieber
Dad walked out "Can I come dad"No"he said "I want you here so you can tell me if the twins been good or bad can you do that for me" he said I nodded "Okay" he said "I'm coming too"Leah said "No" I said "Help grandma with the twins" he said "no dad"she said "Im not asking"he said "Mom if they get out of line tell me" he said "Will do"she said dad walked out with his backpack on then disappeared with his car "Where is mom" I said Leah whispered in my ear and showed me a picture

"This is mom and dad in 2011"she said "mom once said she felt like she was in heaven because that's the first time her and dad were ever intimate together and he was pretty faithful back then this picture is even more picture of mom dad of this da...

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"This is mom and dad in 2011"she said "mom once said she felt like she was in heaven because that's the first time her and dad were ever intimate together and he was pretty faithful back then this picture is even more picture of mom dad of this day"i said "really" I said "Yea and back then in her tv shows she wore that same see through shirt on the show dad was and is mom's everything but she had us and has a life and life must go on" she said "Yea" I said "But your 9 I'm 13"she said "Okay kids it's bed time"grandma said "Okay"we said we got in bed and talked "Did mom leave us" I asked "No she's just stressed about Hailey she'll be back" she said "Get some sleep you have a Spelling test tomorrow" she said "Okay" I said

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