Chapter 3

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Justin Bieber
I felt selena head drop I kissed her head I took her to her bed the kids was watching tv "Hey do y'all want to go to go with me" I said "Sure"Drew said "I have nothing better to do"Leah said I left a note that we left I took them to Disney land "It's been a while since we been here Leah"I said "We only came here once"She said "Yea Come I want to show you guys something"I said we ran to the castle we went inside then to the performances stage "Remember this Leah"I said "Kinda so"She said "I proposed to Selena here"I said "Oh my is that princess Leah Bieber you gotten so big"We heard we looked to see Cinderella "Leah look Cinderella came to say hi"I said Leah waved but not amused with them "Sorry about Leah she's going through puberty"I said she nodded "Okay bye now" Cinderella said we continued walking "What you guys want to snack on"I asked "I want to go home with mom"Leah said "I want chips and candy"Drew said Leah rolled her eyes she walked off "Get back here young lady I brung you two here to have fun and have father daughter and son time"I said "I didn't ask to come here dad"she said "I want Mom I want to go home"she said "We not going home till I say we going home"I said "I don't have to listen to you just because you having sex with Mom again"She said "Leah"I said she walked off "Leah stop"Drew said "Shut up brat"She  said she walked away soon there was a big crowd I lost her "Got dammit"I said soon me and drew went to the front of Disney land and out the gate I seen Leah sitting by the car on the crub I went up to her I yanked her arm "Don't never do that shit again Leah Marie you hear me ,me and your mother are celebrities you can't just walk off as you please and plus you 13 someone can snatch you up now you pissed me off now get in the car we going home" I said "finally"She said we got in the car "And when we get to this house park it in the living room I'm telling your mother what you did Leah" I said "Oh fuck You Justin only thing you cared for or care about is getting your dick sucked so Shut the hell up talking to me Bro"She said I had to count to 20 before I hit her I'll let selena handle her we got to the house she was about to go to her room "Get back here Leah Marie"I yelled soon Selena came from the kitchen "Oh y'all back early from wherever y'all went had fun"She asked "No we didn't mom"Drew said "Drew go play with your toys"I said "Yes Sir"He said he went to his room I looked at Leah "Your daughter is a little delinquent who needs to be in boot camp" I said "Okay first tell me what happened then I'll determine if my daughter is a delinquent" Selena said after I told her Leah rolled her eyes selena went up to Leah and slapped her Leah started crying "What is your problem Leah you could've been kidnapped me and Justin are famous do you know people can easily take you and did anything they wanted to you do you know that Leah huh I almost lost you once when I was pregnant with you and you walking away from your father you could have been hurt you my first born child and when Justin said he was gonna tell me you told him 'Oh fuck You Justin only thing you care about is getting your dick sucked so Shut the hell up talking to me Bro' you are so damn punished for Cursing Him out now march up to that room and give me every electronics you have you are grounded till I say so little girl"Selena said Leah held her cheek going to her room I remember when Leah was 3 she always said what was on her mind even at three years old she got taps on the legs hands and butt for cursing back then she was just a kid she didn't know what half of she means I know she's a prodigy but she was still a child soon Leah came back with bucket of stuff "I will give this back when I'm ready now something you want to say to your father"Selena asked Leah came up to me she played with her hand "Sorry for being disrespectful and cursing at you"She mumble "I can't hear you Leah what and stop fidgeting with your damn hands"Selena said "I'm sorry daddy for being disrespectful and cursing you out"she said a little louder "Baby girl it's okay I get it your upset but I'm always gonna be your dad rather you like it or not you came from me and Selena you belong to us baby girl" I said she wiped her tears "I'm sorry daddy"She said "It's Okay to cry I hurt Mom and it hurt you in some way it's okay to cry shhh"I said after we hugged "How about we have a father and daughter day tomorrow" I asked "I don't know dad"She said "I'll be in Mom room when you made your mind up"I said I went to selena she was putting Leah stuff up "How is she" She asked "I can't tell I asked her do she wants to have a father daughter day tomorrow she turned me down"I said "I just want to show her I changed I'm not the men I was I never stopped being her father"I said "I love my baby girl" I said "Well Babe you made a songs dedicated to me and one to your mom would it hurt to make one more for your daughter"Selena said "No she needs more than that" I said "But I don't know what kids her age like" I said I heard sniffles I looked I seen Selena had tears in her eyes "Baby what's wrong" I said "Just thinking of a time when she was so mad she ruined Lisa the stuffed doll you won for me that I gave her when I told her it was from you she tried everything to ruin it"She said getting up she went to the closet she came back "After she wanted it back she realized she ruined her favorite Lisa doll I told Leah and drew that I was going out with my friends so I took them over my mom house and went to almost every store trying to replace her doll lucky for me hot topic still had some in The mall the next day when I got them home I gave her the doll she asked how I get it I told her daddy sent it and she hugged it tightly and went to her room she was around 7 when that event happened" she said we left out "Let's go see if they hungry" I asked she nodded "Drew buddy what you want for dinner"I asked "I don't know spaghetti"He said "Thats your favorite"I asked "Yea"He said he high fived "Mine to"I said after we cooked spaghetti we sat at the table as a family I smiled "So Justin are you still making music"Selena asked "Nope I'm retired "I said "Really"she asked "Yup"I said my phone vibrated I looked at it but it but ignored the text for now me and Selena talked for a few hours then she made sure the kids got to bed "Hey I'm going to go out for a few"I said she nodded "Okay I can call the baby sitter and come with like old times"She said "Actually this a guys night out" i said she nodded I left out I went to my house changing clothes and got my other car and went to my favorite condo complex I knocked on the door the door opened "What do you want"I said "We need to talk"She said "No we don't"I said "Yes we do we been on and off for years now Justin there's something you need to know"She did "Look if you pregnant or had the baby I'll help but I just got back with Selena I'm trying to get my marriage back I can't do this" I said "but You said you loved me"She said "I do love you but like a friend or sister I have to go" I said "Mommy"We heard I looked to see a 1 year old she looked at me then at Hailey "That's what we made and I'm Pregnant again"She said "Remember we fucked four weeks ago"She said I didn't say anything I just left I went back to selena house I knocked on the door tears fell down my face selena came to the door "Justin I thought you went out with your friends and why are you crying "She asked "No I didn't I need to tell you the truth before you find out from someone else" I said we went in we sat at the kitchen table I handed her my phone she laughed "You went to see Hailey" she asked "I only went to tell her to stop messaging me and calling but she told me something else"I said Selena looked calmed "I already know y'all have a child together"She said "What how"I said "Um because it's called a OBGYN clinic she was there last week when I was getting my Pap smear"she said "So let me get this straight when I told Leah and you I didn't stay with Hailey you believed me" I said "No Leah believed you I knew you was gonna do what the fuck You want so what's the use of fighting with you not to see her but I did think she had you locked but I didn't stay to see if you would have came home or not I just left without warning but I knew there was going a be another time you will see her I know you and you know me we always come back together I don't care about her anymore I honestly don't I have two kids I have to feed and take care of but I know one thing DO NOT BRING HER OR HER KIDS AROUND LEAH"She said she got up going upstairs I followed her we laid down i pulled her close but she pulled away "Don't"She said I pulled her close again and kissed her "Come here"I said I grabbed her face and kissed her I got between her legs she looked in my eyes tears came out her eyes I wiped them "I know this hurting you Selena I'm sorry it just happened we both know how I am I wasn't attending to get her pregnant" I said wiping her tears "And plus you left I needed love she was there but I don't even love her I love you"I said i kissed her shoulder I pulled her shirt off I kissed her skin by her shoulder then her neck I sucked she moaned her silently cries turned into moans she unbuckled my belt buckle we started kissing I pulled my pants off with my underwear I took her clothes off I slid my dick inside her I went in and out she kissed my shoulder after sex she fell asleep I got dressed in my shorts and underwear I went to take a shower after I went to lay down I pulled selena close I kissed her head she will always be my girl

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