Chapter 4

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Selena Gomez
I woke up I put my underwear on and Justin shirt I have a habit of putting his clothes on I went to Leah room she wasn't in her room I went to drew room he was still sleep "Drew get up you have school today" I said "Isn't today Sunday"He asked "Is it"I asked I went to the calendar "Shit it is"I said "Well drew get up my mom coming over today she said she was"I said "Justin"I said I went looking for him I couldn't find him or Leah where are they I called Justin"Hello"He said "Where the hell are you"I asked "I told you yesterday I'm having a father and daughter day with Leah"He said "Oh well Change of plans I forgot my mom is coming to visit so you have to bring her back"I said "Sure we not that far"he said "Thanks"I said I went to the kitchen cooking for Drew after he came down "Where's Leah"He asked "She's with dad"I said "Where" He asked "I don't know baby"I said "Okay Can I go next door"He asked "You can go after granny leaves"I said he nodded soon Justin and Leah came in "I thought they had school today Drew  had to remind that today is Sunday"I said Justin kissed my cheeks "Calm down Baby you just woke up late you good"He said "You have to go home my mom coming over"I said "Selena as much as your mom hates me theses are my kids you are my girlfriend she really still can't be mad because I'm here spending time with them"He said "So you go say you here for them"I asked "Yea But you might want to change shirts before she really do get the hit we back together"He said "OH MY GOD"I said running to my room I heard Justin laughing after I got dressed

I came out to the living room "Damn"I heard Justin say "Shut up"I said he kissed me "Stop"I said soon the door bell rung I went to answer it "Hi Mom"I said "Hey Selena where are my grand babies And what is you wearing"She said "They dad came to vi...

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I came out to the living room "Damn"I heard Justin say "Shut up"I said he kissed me "Stop"I said soon the door bell rung I went to answer it "Hi Mom"I said "Hey Selena where are my grand babies And what is you wearing"She said "They dad came to visit them so they are in the living talking to Justin" I said "Oh really"She said "Last time we really seen him he was cheating on you and left you with a 3 month old and a 3 year old"She said "Well Technically he didn't leave me I left him and Mom he's here for the kids he's very sorry about cheating"I said "Yea sure he is"She said she moved my hair "Is that a hickey"She asked my eyes went wide "Um yes it is I had a guy over last night"I said she looked at the kids then at me and Justin She got up going around the house I looked at Justin with a What the fuck face soon my mom came back "Did he leave his stuff here too"She asked "Um yes he'll probably be back tonight for it"I said "Kids go to the rooms for a minute I need to have a word with your mother and father"Mom said they left "Selena Marie Gomez"She said I looked at her then looked down she looked at Justin "How long"She asked "What"I said looking at her "If anyone knows you two and y'all relationship we know you too can't stay away from each even if it's fight or making up so How long y'all been together"She asked "Okay Fine A day and a half"I said "I really love Selena"He said "Then why you keep cheating"She asked "Even if I do cheat I'll always choose Selena they just mistakes Selena will never be a mistake I meant to get her pregnant I meant to marry her I meant for us to be together"he said "I love you too Justin" I said he smiled "Thanks But we have a situation"I said "What"She said "He got one of the girls he was cheating on me with pregnant twice she's on her second pregnancy now"I said "So he told you that" She asked "I found out I seen her at the gynecologist last week i knew then he haven't stopped messing with her but he came on my door step this week wanted to see Leah and drew and I really missed him too so we had make up sex but I already knew about her pregnancy before he did actually he didn't know she had any kids till last night when he went over her house" I said "Selena why do you still want him"She asked "Because I love him mama"I said "Well I wanna take the kids out for ice cream"She said "Okay Mama"I said "I don't have to like your relationship but I respect it because you my daughter I don't like him he's a cheating a bastered lying Bitch"She said "Mom I was a bastered too his parents never married to be considered one and that's not respecting my relationship Mama"I said "No me and Ricardo was married once his parents never married each other "She said I rolled your eyes "Okay Kids grandma Mandy wants to take y'all out for ice cream"I said soon they both came out "Oh and Straighten her out she been talking smart mouthed cursing Justin out I had got on her about maybe you can teach it preach to her mom because I don't know if she will do it again or not"I said "Oh okay I'll talk to her sometime but he deserves it you two come on"She said to them they left I sat there with Justin but I got up "Wait come here S                            elena"He said "What"I said going to my room "I really didn't mean to get Hailey pregnant"He said "Okay I honestly don't care Justin"I said "I know when your mad and your mad"He said "Do I look mad"I asked "Yes babe you do"He said I grabbed my swimsuit and changed and went to the backyard I went to the diving board and went inside the pool swimming around I stayed down for a few

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