Chapter 19

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Selena Bieber
The kids was at school the twins were sleep it's been 4 months since I birth them and so tomorrow we go for a dna test to get it done and over with but as of right now the twins were sleeping and Will was at home Justin was out for a while so I was here alone with the twins I went to they room I watched them as they slept my phone rung I seen Justin calling "Hello" I said "Hey I'm picking up lunch want anything"he asked "No" I said "You haven't been eating babe" he said "no I am fine" I said "Well I'm getting something anyway and if you don't eat it leah and Drew will" he said "Okay" I said "I know what getting you I'll see you when I get home" he said "Justin" I said "Yes" he said "When you get home I want my man" I said "Yes ma'am" he said we hung up I walked out the kids room I walked to the living room I seen Hailey standing there "What are you doing" I said she was looking outside I called Justin "Babe I'm ordering food right now" he said I pressed FaceTime and pointed my phone at Hailey "Shit"he said and I heard ruffles and the line ended she turned to me her wrist were dripping blood "I just wanted him to love me" she said she had a knife in her hand "Hailey stop" I said "You hurting yourself isn't the answer" I said "I'm not here to hurt me" she said she ran towards me and I ran  to my room "get back here bitch" she said I heard crying I Seen she turned around "No" I yelled ran and pushed her before she can hurt them she looked at me and I ran downstairs I ran right into Justin he told me to stay quiet I nodded he went by the stairs and looked up the stairs I grabbed my phone and called the police just in case he went up there I followed behind she was in the twins room "your mom Took my boyfriend and now it's time for me to take something from here" she said Justin went to her as she raised the knife in the air he tackled her to the ground "Get off me" she yelled soon cops came in "In here" I said they came they took her "I will get him back" she yelled I grabbed my babies Justin came up to us he looked at them as well I kissed max head and I kissed Bella cheek I walked to the living room Justin grabbed Bella and I held max I got up because I heard something I walked forward but I tripped over but I was shaken awake I jumped up I ran into the twins room they where sleep "babe" I heard "Are you okay" I heard Justin said "Just a bad dream" I said "come here"he said I went to him he held me "Do you want to talk about it" he said "Not at the moment" I said he nodded I got up soon his phone rung I paced back and forth I was breaking heavy "Hailey tried to hurt them" I blurted out he looked up from his phone "That was the morgue" he said "Tell me" he said "You were gone to get food Will was at home the kids at school I was here with the twins but as soon as I went downstairs there she was when I faced the door her wrist where cut" I said "She committed suicide"he said I looked at him "That dream was a nightmare" I said "She chased me but soon max started crying I couldn't do anything" I said "But you came and tackled her and the cops came" I said "well she's gone"he said "What about Carly" I said he looked at me soon his phone rung again "Hello"he said "Yea I know my mom just told me" he said "Yea" he said "Okay I'll be there" he said he hung up "I'll be back scooter wants to talk about something" he said he kissed me longer then expected "Justin what did he say" I said "It's not important" he said tears came out my eyes "Justin" I said he looked me dead in the eye "I love you" he said he kissed me then left I was so confused I called scooter myself but he didn't answer my anxiety grew I grabbed the twins and they stuff I took them to Pattie house then I went to the def jams records I went in I went to the desk clerk "Hey is Justin here" I said "Hi Selena I haven't seen you in forever"she said "Yea we can catch up later I need to see my husband" I said "Oh is he expecting you"she asked "No" I said "But it's important" I said "Okay" she said "He's in Studio d today" she said "Thanks" I said I went to the studio I walked in I seen Billie Eilish I walked all the way in Justin saw me and came to me "What happened" he said "Justin" I heard I seen Hailey my eyes widen "I thought you died" I said "come on"Justin said we went into the booth "What the hell is going on Justin" I said "She did try killing herself but the paparazzi seen her meltdown and she jumped but she survived they actually didn't see her after she jumped so they media pronounced her dead they trying to fix this"he said "what dose this have to do with you" I said "She said if I didn't come see her that she would actually end herself"he said "so I'm here to prevent that"he said "And you think keeping me in the dark is okay" I asked "I'm sorry baby but she needs me right now"he said "I need you too" I yelled "You have will"he said then walked out every one was watching I went and sat down "Selena you should go home"scooter said "shut the hell up" I said "If you going to stay shut up and be quiet"Justin said I got up and walked out after they finished Justin came up to me "Babe"he said i slapped him "Who the hell do you think you are" I yelled "Let's go home and talk"he said "Naw you want to keep secrets fuck you"I said "Let's go"he said and walked off Hailey followed him but I went to him "Justin babe" I said I started crying but I hit him and went to my car and drove off I drove home pattie can handle the twins for a few I went home soon I heard the door open and close Justin came in he came up to me "What the hell is your problem" he said "You keeping secrets from me" I yelled "Because I'm trying to protect you from the truth" he said "what truth" I yelled "From Hailey" he yelled "What about Hailey" I said "She wants me to marry again and this time permanently" he said "but I told scooter no because I seen how upset it made you last time" he said tears ran down my face he came up to me and got on his knees "I love you" he said he grabbed my hand and kissed it he grabbed my leg and took my heels off me he stood up and grabbed me and carried me upstairs we laid in bed he kissed me "I don't love her" he said "I believe you" I said we kissed and made love after we went to sleep

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