Chapter 15

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Justin Bieber
Selena was sleeping in the hospital bed her phone was ringing I picked it up "Hello" I said "I was gonna take the kids to school but Leah wanted to hang with that girl"he said "They need the education I will pick them up early"I said "Okay"he said "Bye"He said we hung up I seen Selena getting up "Going to the restroom" she said going in the restroom I nodded then after she sat down "I get to go home tomorrow" she said "We need to talk"I said "Okay"she said "I came back into you and the kids life because I missed you guys so much but you fell in love with someone else why am I here I guess I need to move out" I said "Move out? justin I'm sorry none of this is fair to you" She said "i cheated in the past I deserve this but it slapped us both in the face I cheated now you tried getting revenge now you love me and him and I don't wanna share you" I said "And my mom party coming up how can you or me explain what happened" I said "So you disappointed in me" She asked "I never said that" I said "You didn't have to say it I'm not in this situation myself me you and him had a freaking threesome and at that moment when we did it you treated me like I was a slut like I was just another girl you hooked up with so please Justin don't just pin this all on me" She said then she got out the bed going to the window her hand on her hip "My god" she said "I did act like a slut" she said then started crying "Sel it's okay" I said "It's not okay"she said I went to her "I'm sorry" I said I kissed her cheek "Come let's get you to bed" I said she went to the bed I pulled the cover over her "We have a little baby I'm not so worried about what happened I just know I love you and I don't wanna share but for the twins sake I'll shut up and be good"I said she smiled "Hello mrs.Gomez" I heard "Hello" Selena said I coughed "Oh how are you mr.Bieber"the nurse said "I'm good and it's Mrs.Bieber" I asked "Justin"Selena said "What" I said "Stop"she said "okay but I am telling the truth you are my wife" I said "Zip it Bieber" she said "Fine" I said after a while will came in as the nurse was still checking on Selena and the baby soon will kissed Selena "Uh okay"the nurse said "Oh Um sel babe we need to talk"Will said "Well what is it babe" She said he was about to speak when the door opened and there stood my mom and Mandy "Selena Marie Gomez"her mom yelled "Oh no"Selena said "Sorry I was trying to tell you"will said "And who are you"her mother asked "Um I'm will" he said "We came over because none of y'all weren't answering the phone"mom said "We seen this guy taking our grand babies to school"Mandy said "okay I cheated on Justin I was getting my revenge but along the way I fell in love with the guy and I had a threesome with him and Justin"Selena said "So why are you here at the hospital"mom asked "I gave birth"she added with her head down "Okay every one out"Mandy said I sat there everyone walked out will stood by Selena "Okay everyone is out"mom said Mandy went to Selena and slapped her "I didn't raise a slut" she yelled "Two men"Mandy said "And you"Mandy said looking at me "You did this"she said "Well I'm Sorry" I said "I tried to make her stay home but she's her own person" I said "And then pictures what if the kids saw them"Mandy said "What pictures"Selena said crying "With your chest hanging out that's setting a bad example for Leah" she said "I cant look at you"Mandy said walking out my mom Went to Selena "It's okay" she said "You told me you would get revenge but it backed fired"she said "What mom You knew she was gonna sleep with someone" I asked "Yes I did I didn't approve but as you said she's her own person" she said "I'll be back I'm going to the gift shop"mom said Selena nodded will sat on the bed " Are you okay"he asked she nodded "Yea" She said she got up "I wanna see the babies"she said me and will walked Selena to the nursing room we seen her mom there "They beautiful"she said "Thanks"Selena said she got up going by her mom "Mom" she said her mom was quite "What happened to giving it another go with Justin" her mom asked "We were I mean we still are it's just one day I went to the bar with my friends and met will he's everything I want"Selena said "But Justin loves me and I love him too and I couldn't choose and either of them said they weren't leaving so I'm with both"she said "Do you know who's baby goes to what men" she asked Selena "No the babies are premature so when they get bigger we can DNA test"Selena said "will parents knows about me"Selena said "Really"Mandy said "Selena I know you trying this thing called polygamy but it's for the real religious people who builds family within a community so I advise you stop this because it's gonna ruin your reputation and the kids gonna be mad"Mandy said "Leah was already mad"Selena said "she spit on me called me names I wanted to die because I wasn't being a good mother I failed her"Selena said "But I'm here just had a c section done on me because I decided to sleep with two men at the same time and on the same day so yes mom I understand my reputation is gonna be damaged but I have four kids to raise and two men that loves me so please I don't need to know what the world thinks about me"Selena said "Because to the world I'm always gonna be selups or the girl who needs new kidneys because mine are or were rotten but I don't care I'm 37 with Four kids and 4 step kids"Selena said "What"Mandy asked "Aaked him"Selena said looking at me "I have four more kids" he said "and you came back into my daughter life because" she asked me "Because I wanted my family back" I said "When I took Selena over Hailey house that night she left me" I said "Selena is the girl I always come home too" I said "Yea I hurt her by doing stupid shit but I love her" I said "and what about you"she asked will "Oh um I love Selena because she's her"He said "She came to me crying about how he treated her I sat and held her she wanted to have sex we did but I asked her why did she want to she said because if she didn't give a guy sex he'll cheat that broke my heart to think that a woman have to throw herself at a men so he wouldn't cheat but he gets bored with her anyway and have her crying every night because he have some women in they bed that's why I love Selena because she sees me as the men she wants Justin to be but isn't"will said "You had sex with girls in the house why my grand babies where sleep and had my daughter crying"Mandy yelled then slapping me "MOM STOP"Selena yelled "Get away from my daughter"Mandy yelled "Stop"Selena said "No one is leaving"Selena yelled "Take me back to my room"Selena yelled will took her back "You know Selena have lupus" she said "So why upset her more knowing she can get weak by being stressed and upset"Mandy asked me "Because I'm stupid I know I hurt her in the past but I'm here to make things right I love Selena" I said "And she's still my wife so she's not going anywhere and I'm not leaving" I said "Well you better make my daughter happy or you gone I will make sure of it if you don't make her the happiest woman" she said I nodded I have to win Selena heart back because I really love her and she's mine always been mine

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