Chapter 21

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Selena Gomez

It's been a month since Will broke up with me I was upset but I have 4 kids to feed I can't be upset about him anymore I was in the kitchen fixing food the kids were at school I put the twins in daycare I was alone here at home cooking dinner for the kids and Justin my stomach rumbled then I ran into the restroom I ran upstairs to the restroom "Noo" I said upset with myself "I'm home babe" I heard Justin said "Okay" I said after fixing myself and washing my mouth out I went downstairs to continue cooking "the kids are at school and daycare"he said "Yea okay" I said he turned me around and the feeling came back ones again I gaged and almost fell but I ran to the bathroom after i sat there "Bieber I swear to god" I said angrily "I didn't do anything"he said "I was feeling upset and my bipolar disorder kicked in and you took advantage of that" I said "Well possibly"he said I kicked him playfully "There's only one way to tell" he said "I birth 2 kids and a set a twins I know when I'm pregnant" I said "It's always fucking you"I said I got up and pushed him "Always me what"he said "To see or find out I'm pregnant" I said "What"we heard we seen Leah standing there "Why aren't you in school" I said "School shut down today a school shooting"she said "And don't worry Drew is in the living room watching tv" she said "Now let's talk about this pregnancy" she added "first of all I never said I was pregnant you little ease dropper" I said "So dad always find out you pregnant first but you not pregnant" she said "Yea" I said "Your dad is very active" I said with air quotes "eww gross"she said "Well grandma pat coming to bring the twins I'll asked her to take me to get you condoms" she said "We don't use those"Justin said "You wouldn't
be standing there if we used condoms"he said "So I was a mistake" she said "Well I wouldn't call it that I would call it a missunfortunate event"he said "Dad I won't be mad at the word mistake" she said "Right because I was a mistake and so was your mother"he said "was Drew a mistake"She asked "Well after my miscarriage Justin said we can always try again but we wasn't a couple so I said no but then we parted ways he was with Hailey and I was with someone else and I was only with the guy to make Justin jealous so after the guy did me wrong and I broke up with the guy but he came and apologized for what he did and I took him back and around that time time Justin had broken up with Hailey he still loved me even though I had this other guy I remember your birthday party that day" I said I got upset I walked away I went downstairs I sat down tears came down my eyes "Mom"Leah said "Are you okay"she said "Yea that day Justin and my boyfriend wouldn't stop battling about who bought you the most toys Justin bought you a power wheel car and I was getting sick at that time and I told him I couldn't watch you while you play with it he even ordered paw patrol to come to the party and I know you didn't like them but I didn't know what character you liked grandma pat gad to tell me I was so upset with Justin that I wasn't paying you any attention so yea you can call me a bad mother" I said "stop mom"she said "You are the best mother I can ever ask for"she said "You were trying to make sure dad stayed in our life" she said "I really love you Selena"Justin said "i remember I stared at Justin and he stared at me but my boyfriend was there he saw me staring at Justin and spilled his drink on me and that's when you ran off crying grandma pat told me and him to stop this game we were playing and we looked at each other again "Leah I almost died stressing over the possibility that Justin didn't love me anymore" I said "mom"she said starting to cry "That's how much I care" I said "mom"Drew said I hugged them Justin came and hugged us too "This family is the best to ever happen to me"Justin said "But we all need to have a conversation" I said I got up the front door opened pattie came in with the twins "Thanks for picking them up" I said grabbing napkins wiping my face "Anything for my grand babies" she said "Well one child is your grand baby" I said "They came from The same mother and there mother is my daughter in law so they both my grand babies" she said "right" I said "Why are you crying what has that son of mine did" she said "I'm right here mom"he said "I know that" she said "I was just talking to Leah about her party back in 2018"I said "Oh that party yea your mom and dad still had the hots for each other but didn't want to say it" she said "She dated that men a year and a half just to break up with him and get back with Justin" she said "When she got pregnant with Drew she said after she dropped him out the womb she'll get revenge but it backfired and she got pregnant" she added "Yea we see that"Leah said "I'm about to go home bye now"she said and left I went grabbing plates and placed food "Babe here" I said Justin came kissed me on the cheek and sat down at the table I fixed the kids plate then mine we all sat at the table "Our first time we all sitting at this table" I said "What did you want to talk about"Leash said "Well as you know I might be pregnant again" I said "A new sibling"Drew said "Yea a new sibling" I said "That means our attention will be on the twins and new baby"Justin said "Well
My attention at least your dad is leaving" I said "I am"he said "Yes honey remember that situation" I said "Shit I forgot" he said "What situation mom what's happening"Leah asked "Hailey" I said "She threatened to kill herself if Justin doesn't remarry her" I said "What hell No"Leah said "we are not asking you to choose we telling you how it will be" I said "And if Hailey accepts you can go live with them on the weekends" I said "Fuck no"she yelled she ran out then came back with my lyrics "this" she said "What about it" I said "Lose you to love me you want to break up with dad anyway" she said "No" I said "It's right there mom" she said "Lose you to love me means I love him but I'm still heartbroken so in order to get over this heartbreak I need him to lose me so I can love myself again" I said "But mom were a perfect family "No one perfect in life babe" I said "And Hailey wants him so he'll go with her and we here" I said "No"she said "We're done with the conversation"Justin said "Fuck you"Leah said then walked off slamming her door Shut "may I go to my room"Drew asked "Sure" I said he went to his room tears ran down my face "You never asked me my choice"Justin said "I don't have to I already made it" I said I got up "My choice is my choice"he said "Right because staying here means you being Fucking selfish she's going to commit suicide if she doesn't get you" I said "and That's a risk I'm not willing to take to be here with you and our kids"he said "I love you I don't love or want her I want you Selena Marie" he said I started crying "I have to lose you to love me" I said "Stop with that bullshit"He said "Stop being so damn nice everything she did to you to us baby look at me"he said he grabbed my head making me look at him "I love you and look you might be pregnant again I can't leave you like this" he said he sat me on the counter "I love you Selena" he said here we were again in the moment he pulled himself out and pulled my skirt up "Justin" I said he kissed my neck he scooted me to the edge "this why I'm Always pregnant" I said he looked at me and nodded I rolled my eyes in disbelief I pushed him off me I too my ring off and handed it to him "You got 4 days to get your shit together and leave" I said "Fuck"I heard him yell I went upstairs and locked my room door I went to lay down tears fell out my eyes

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