Chapter 27

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Justin Bieber
The kids was at school and day Selena was next to me she was sleeping I sat watching tv she turned around and put her butt by my leg she kept doing it "Selena stop"I said I slapped her ass "Oww"she said "I knew you wasn't sleep"I said I kissed her neck "Stop I am sleep"she said "Come here baby"I said she giggled as I pulled her close "I hope you know we still married"I said "Yea that we are"she said as I held her "I want to renew our vows"I said "really"she said I nodded "Yea I know I put you through so much shit and I wanna show you that I appreciate you for staying with me and being here as my plus one"I said "Okay I guess"she said "Justin"she said "Yes"I said "I think I'm pregnant"I said "Ww been having a lot of sex lately and we don't use protection"she said "oh"I said "I think but I'm not sure"she said "Well I can tell if you are"I said "Right because you been tapping my ass since 2011"she said "Yup I know everything to know about you and your body"I said "Okay then what is my favorite thing to eat"she said "everything"I said kissing her lips "My favorite snack"she said "Well it depends on what you doing or what you feeling in the mood for"I said "But when you watching a movie you like to get popcorn pour pickle juice on the popcorn and put salt with a dash of Tabasco hot sause or if you don't have Tabasco hot sause you use Louisiana hot sauce"I said she sat up on her arms and smiled "–and to be honest I think you got that from the movie poetic justice Janet character made that similar popcorn snack"I said "Yea I did actually"she said "See I know you babe"I said kissing her "Okay Drew stop"she said my hand traveled to her butt squeezed it and my hands moved to her underwear I rubbed through her underwear she moaned "Justin"she said "Shh baby it's okay"I said I took my shirt off and unbuttoned her shirt showing her boobs with no bra I sucked on her nipple "Daddy"she moaned I pulled her underwear off and kissed my way down to her vagina I opened her legs and went to it "Oh my god"she moaned I kissed her leg I went back to sucking her clit "oh daddy"she moaned she gripped my hair I kissed up her body and went inside her "This why I keep getting pregnant"she joked "And I love seeing you pregnant"I said kissing her neck "That's so unhealthy"she said as she held me tighter to her I heard a phone ring she picked it up we both looked I seen Hailey name "Ugh what do she want"she said "Ignore it come back to me"I said after a few more minutes we were there her moans turned me on more after we climaxed together soon my phone rung again I answered it "What"I said "Carly wants to come back over"she said "Can we talk about this later I'm kinda busy"I said "No busy care you fucking that lupus bitch"she said "She's my wife be careful with what you say"I said I hung up and kissed Selena "No I'm tired of this giraffe looking bitch"she said she got up and she got dressed and left out I followed her "Babe calm down"I said "Naw she wants to start than I'll start"she said she ran to the car and I tried to stop her but once she in her bipolar mood there's no stopping her "This is round two bitch come out here"Selena yelled "Babe come on she's not worth it"I said she then kicked the door in and ran in and attacked Hailey "you Keep fucking with me you about to find out bitch"Selena yelled "Now what was that in the phone yea I got lupus the fuck wrong with you I swear I'll kill your ass talking about my illness"Selena said I grabbed her from behind and held her "Let me go Justin I'm about fuck her up"she yelled "Calm down"I said I took her to the car "baby calm down"I said "so you sticking up for her"she asked "No baby I'm just saying calm down it's not worth it she can call the cops and you will go to jail and I don't want to have to bail you out"I said "I love you and I'm not going to let you go to jail"I said "You love me"she said "You know I do"I said "Good"she said we got home I called Hailey apologizing making sure she didn't call the cops and I got up getting my keys I went getting Carly "Say by to mommy"I said she waved after getting her I went home "Where did you go"Selena said but she seen Carly and smiled "Hey baby girl"Selena said she kissed Carly cheek and took her from my hands and went to her room and read to her soon the kids came home from school and day care "Can we sit and talk"Selena said to Drew and Leah "Okay"they said "Well as you know your dad has like 7 kids now and there might be a 8th child"Selena said "I been feeling sick in the mornings and me and Justin are very heavily involved with each other so story short we might be bringing in another child"she said "Okay cool a new sibling"Drew said "Leah"Selena said "As long as I'm not the only one changing diapers"she said "No we will have a nanny for that"I said "Thank god"Leah said "You will still have to baby sit but not that much"I said "Wha"she said "Yes you still apart of this family and the oldest so you will help us and the nanny"she said "whatever Alright"she said getting up "Lose the attitude Leah"I said "When can I get my things back"she asked "When i say you can"I said "But Dad"She said "when me and your mother say you can now go"I said "Whatever"she said going to her room I smiled and kissed Selena cheek "She really hates us"She said "good it means we doing something right"I said she nodded "I guess"she said Bella started crying so I picked her up and handed her to Selena and max started crying we took care of them then they went to sleep and we put them in they crib then we make sure Carly and Melissa was in bed then we got in bed

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