Chapter 1

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Selena Gomez
I smiled at my 9 year old and 13 year old as they played at the playground I promised them the park if Leah made a A on her homework and she did she's always was a level above her grade she gets it from her dad she gets my proper and grammar "Mommy can I have 3 Dollars for ice cream"Drew asked "Sure Here go a 20 you get 10 and you sister 10"I said "Thanks"He said I smiled they ran to the ice cream man wI watched everything around me Soon I seen a guy by Leah and drew he talked to them drew pointed to me the guy looked at me I seen it was Justin i shook my head I let them be after the park I took the kids home I made lunch "Leah"I said "Yes mom"She asked "What did your father want"I asked "He was asking to be in our life"She  said "He also invited you mom"She said "Well he can un invited me I don't want nothing to do with him"I said she nodded leaving out eating chips soon drew came in "Mom can you help me with this it's for music class"He asked "Sure" I said after doing his homework and cooking lunch my phone rung I seen Pattie calling "Hello" I said "How are my grand babies doing"She asked "There eating right now " I said "oh that's Good I'm having a party soon you should come"she said "Pattie you know with everything that happened between me and Justin I can't possibly come but I can drop the kids off though" I said "That's none sense selena I'll tell him to behave"She said "I'll think about it" I said "Well look at that drew just spilled his food got to go"I said "Sure any excuse to not see my son again"She said "okay Um I really have to go"I said hanging up I went to the kids they were finish eating "Okay now y'all can go play or whatever I have to clean"I said they ran off I cleaned up there mess having two kids is messy but it's worth it I decided to leave Justin I couldn't take it anymore I let him have the life he wanted every girl so I let him be with every girl I got my kids and left he haven't even called to see about them now he wants to see me and the kids I don't like the idea at all and now Pattie wants me at her party I think she's trying to play match maker even though she knows what happened with me and Justin it's not possible I won't do it my thoughts where interrupted by my phone I got a call from a
number I didn't recognize I looked "Hello" I said "Selena"He said "How did you get my number"I asked "How else"He said I hung up I soon called Pattie "Hello"She said "Really you gave Justin my new number" I said "Yea he said he wanted to see the kids so I told him you was taking care them to the park and he asked for your number"She said "Did he really want my number for the kids or me"I said "Both"She said "Oh god"I said "Okay Pattie thanks I guess"I said after saying bye we hung up soon Justin was calling back "what"I said "So where the kids"He asked "Drew is probably on his game or making music for his class and Leah is working on her science project"I said "And how are you"He asked "I'm fine"I said "I hope you not mad at me for the ice cream I paid for them I told them to keep the ten dollars put it to there savings piggy bank"He said "Ugh Leah really don't know about the 400 dollars Justin"I said "Don't worry I didn't say anything about it"He said "So I didn't see any guy with y'all so you still single"he said "Um yea no um my boyfriend is out of town working on a new movie"I said "Really"He said "Yea"I said "Oh"He said "Well I'll let you talk to the kids"I said "Leah and drew"I said Drew came "Here"I said I went to continue cleaning "Mom dad said can we come over for dinner tonight"Drew said "tonight is our family dinner night"I said "Mom said no it's family dinner night"Drew said "What's Family dinner night"Justin asked "It's where we watch sports and pig out on pizza wings"Drew said "Can you make that for four people"I heard Justin say "Sure"Drew said "No we can't"I said "Mom why not I want to see dad"drew said "ugh Fine"I said "Mom said yes"Drew said after a while Justin came drew went to answer the door he came in "Dad"Drew said "Hey bud"he said "Leah" I said she came down she looked at justin then at me then she ran back in her room I grew confused I went to her room I opened her door she was crying "Leah"I said she looked at me "I'm sorry Mom"She said "I know dad hurt you and drew but Drew asked can he come tonight I know you don't want nothing to do with him neither do I and I don't he haven't been a father to you or drew the last time he seen y'all was when We went to Hailey house you was 3 years old Leah here you are 13 he haven't been here I get it if he's trying be a father now but really I don't know what he's up too So let's just see how it goes okay and you don't have to be sorry about your feelings he left so it's okay to be mad"I said she nodded "I remember that day so perfect"she said "When I was three I remember you and dad driving to that house you banging on the door hitting her dad tried to stop you then you accidentally hit him and he hit you calling you a bitch I really resent dad for what he done to you but he's my dad right can't help but to love him Right"She said "Come on let's go watch tv and order pizza and hot wings"I said she nodded "Can we play a board game to"She said "I'll think about it"I said she nodded "Sorry about Leah started her period"I said she smiled "Yea"She said Justin nodded he went up to her "Whenever you need money for pads or tanponds I'll be happy to buy it"Justin said "Thanks dad"She said she sat by me she laid her head on my shoulder I always had a habit of doing that to Justin or my friends I guess that's one thing she gets from me "I ordered pizza and hot wings and pasta from Buffalo wild wings"Justin said "He said I nodded "And Selena I'll go get ice"he said he soon left out "Dad is super cool"Drew said "He said he's gonna take me fishing next week"Drew said "That's Cool"I said soon Justin came back ww went to the living room where I had my big Apple TV I put it on Spurs basketball they Where going against the lakers which is Justin second favorite team his first team is Miami heats we sat everything out on the table the kids put their jersey on so did I "Come on score the point"I said "Next week I can get real tickets to see the real game"Justin said "Actually Drew is on the school team"I said "Really I can help you train a little you know if Selena let y'all come over my house"Justin said "Really Mom please can I go over dad house"Drew asked "Um sure you can but I don't think Leah up for it"I said "Maybe when she feels a little better" I said "Alright then"Justin said we continued watching the game Leah went to her room locking her door drew was sleep on me and Justin "I'll take him to his room"Justin said "you don't even know where his room at"I asked "ill find it"He said "No because you might end up finding my room" I said "Drew baby wake up"I said he got up "Let's go to bed"I said I helped him to his bed after he went back to sleep I turned the light off leaving out shutting the door I went back to Justin "So what's up with Leah really"He asked "to be honest with you Justin it's about everything you did to me she's mad at you for that she doesn't even want to call you her father but she have to because that's how life is"I said "I'm not here to do none of the things I did I'm here for the kids"he said "Yea but Leah don't want any part in what you got going on" I said "Well she don't have a choice I'm her father"he said "That's between you two"I said "Well I'll be back in the morning to talk to her about this" He said "Okay bye"I said he left walking to the kitchen "So you agree with him"I heard "Leah he is your father just because we had problems doesn't mean you get to shut him out"I said she went to her room slamming the door locking it again I rolled my eyes "Well I'll see you tomorrow thanks for the food" I said he left out I went to my room I went to sleep

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