Chapter 8

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Justin Bieber
I just dropped Drew off at school I went back home I see Selena on the couch watching tv texting I know she's texting a guy I'm not stupid and it wasn't nick probably some guy she met at the club she smiled when she texted giggled biting her lip taking pictures "I want another baby before I have a vasectomy"I said out loud she continued typing "Baby" I said "What Justin"She said putting her phone down "I wanna have a vasectomy and before I do can we have a third child"I said "You do realize that my tubes are tied"She said "Yea" I said "But I wanna make a baby" I said "Justin you have like 6 kids already no"she said "Why not"I asked "Because I said so" I said "Fine be that way"I said I got up I went to Leah room "You hungry" I asked "Sure"She said "Want to go have a daughter father day or want me to cook" I asked "Daddy daughter day sound good" She said she got her shoes then we left for ice cream "So Leah do you notice mom acting weird like texting some other guy" I said "Oh trust me dad when you know you know"she said "How can you tell"I said "You was a teen once dad how did you text your crush or girlfriend"she asked me "Well I smiled and giggled a lot because selena was the girlfriend I had when I was a teen she always made me smile and happy" I said "okay So that's what the guy doing for mom"she said "Oh yea" I said "good talk"After hanging out we went home Selena wasn't here so I watched tv and let Leah eat snack or whatever she wanted she was daddy little princess after all

Selena Gomez

I met will for lunch like I kinda promised I smiled as he walked over to me he looked handsome I smiled "Mrs

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I met will for lunch like I kinda promised I smiled as he walked over to me he looked handsome I smiled "Mrs.Gomez how are"He said "It's Mrs.Bieber and I'm good my daughter is home had a fight at school so she's home go back tomorrow" I said "You are so beautiful"he said "Thanks" I said so did you get caught texting me"He asked "Kinda my daughter knows but don't know who I'm texting she threatened to tell Justin but who cares she even tried to make a deal with me if I gave her a phone or computer back she won't tell"I said "Wow teens are something so what are you gonna order"he asked "Um I'll get The cheese pasta and salad" I said "And you" I said "The chicken Alfredo"He said I smiled we sat talking he rubbed my legs and held my hand he kept eye contact as he talk to me I was really digging his style I laughed at his jokes and he laughed at mine soon he reached and kissed me I kissed back "So does your husband make you happy" he asked "Sometimes"I said "Satisfied in a sexual way"He asked "Yea" I said "Then why did you say you need something new last night"he asked "I was drunk" I said "Yea it's okay"He said "we don't have to continue if you don't want too" He said "Shhh" I said he nodded we left then went to his place we sat on the couch and he kissed me "If you don't want to"He said "Take me away"I said he nodded I sat my stuff down and we went upstairs he kissed my body and we had sex after sex we laid there it felt good I looked I was bleeding "Shit"I said "You okay"he said "No my intrauterine device it's for my tubes tide so I won't get pregnant it fell out" I said "I need to go to the hospital" I said "need help"he asked "No my husband can't know I had sex" I said he nodded I got my things and left I seen four missed calls from Justin I went to the hospital "Hello"She said "Yes my intrauterine device fell out and I need to see someone now" I said "ow"I said "Are you okay"She asked "Cramps"I said "Okay we getting a chair now Mrs.Bieber"She said I was wheeled to a room soon I seen Justin "My god your phone called me "He said "Are you okay" He asked "You lucky my intrauterine device fell out"I said "Your what"he asked "My IUD my permanent birth control" I said "Ohhh"He said "How did it fall out" "I don't know I'm not supposed to have my period" I said Soon a doctor came "Hello Mrs.Bieber"She said "I'm the Obstetrician-gynecologist dr.Clare here in the hospital I see your intrauterine device fell out May I have a look"she said "Okay I need you to slide down for me and put both legs on the stools"She said I nodded "Okay Mrs.Bieber "As you we do know in Pap smears this opens the vagina"She said "I know I had them done before" I said "Okay so here we go it's go be a little cold"She said I nodded after she looked "Okay Mrs.Bieber I see Semen have you been sexually active recently"She asked "Um I was last night with my husband" I said  "Okay"She said "I also see lumps on your uterus area mean it's Fibroids it's a Noncancerous growths in the uterus that can develop during a woman's childbearing years" she said "I don't understand I haven't gave birth since 2018"I said "Well Ms.Bieber the other option is it fell out after you had an abortion at the second trimester but you haven't birth a child since 2018"She asked soon tears came to my eyes "I'll give you two a minute"She said then left out he sat down "Selena"He said "First off did you have sex with a guy today and please be honest"he asked I closed my eyes and nodded "I knew it the way you been ignoring me all day that Semen inside you he didn't use protection"he said "and the abortion why"He asked "I see how mad Leah how was I gonna bring another kid in like that drew went without a father he's nine so I made that choice to abort them" I said "Cheating to get back at me was one thing but to abort my twins what the fuck"He said crying   "So When was you pregnant huh" He asked "I found out two months after I left" I said "And you went through it without telling me the father"He yelled "I'm done with this conversation" I said he walked out soon the doctor cane back in "I'm ready to go" I said "Well first we have to clean down there and everything before you can leave she nodded after they gave me medicine and I went to see will I sat with him and explain everything he held me he didn't like abortions either but he understood my choice he kissed my head I fell asleep in his lap

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