Chapter 26

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Selena Gomez
I stood at will doorstep I rung the bed and went in not caring about if he was home or not I seen him in the kitchen "Hey"he said "I know why you be drinking if you want to go then fine"I said "But you will be paying for your child once we find out which one is your child"I said he nodded "Okay"he said "And I really don't need you financially the child but I do need you emotionally for the child but you will give cash in family court we can sort it out and I hope whoever she is knows that she have a lucky guy"I said "Thank you"he said "Well that's all I wanted to say have a nice life"I said I walked out I got in the passenger seat I looked at Justin then started crying he rubbed my hand as he then kissed my hand once home Leah was walking out her room "Baby girl"I said "Yes"she said "Would you like to get your nails did"I said she smiled "Sure when"she said "Let me get dressed and then we can go"I said after changing and getting dressed after I walked out "Justin I'm taking Leah with me to the nail shop with me"I said "Okay"he said we left and we went to the nail salon once there we both sat down and got our nails did "Mom can I get acrylic"she said "Sure hunny"I said after getting our nails did we went to lunch and then shopping I bought her new things once in the car we drove home "This is a apologize baby girl I been so wrapped up with Justin and will I forgot about your birthday"I said "Mom I told you it's okay"she said "Yes I know that but I figured that we need a daughter mom day so just enjoy your things"I said she hugged me "Thanks mom"she said after getting home she went to her room I went to Justin "how was it with Drew and the kids"I said "Good"he said he was on the computer "So guess what"I said "What babe"he said "Look at my nails"I said "That look good"he said and my hair"i said "now don't temped me to take you upstairs and mess it up"he said "You wish"I said "Don't test me"he said I tried shaking my but he laughed "No rhythm ass"he said I gasped and laughed he came and grabbed me he slid his hand on my Ass "it might be flat but it's mine"he said and slapped my ass "carful don't start something you might can't finish"I said teasing "Finish do you see how many kids I have I can go all year with you in that bed"he said I laughed "Well I'll get the kids ready for bed and maybe you can show me"I said "how about I come help you then we go to bed together"he said "okay"I said we got the kids to bed "Dad look"Leah said showing Justin her nails he looked at me "There nice but I don't want my 14 year old with those"he said "I said no and I will be having a talk with Selena about it"he said "Dad they cute"she said "Yea they are cute but you are 14 and I said no maybe when you 17 then yea but you only 14"he said she looked at me then down to the ground "Okay dad"she said and left out "if my baby want nails I'll give her nails"I said "Well I said No Selena"he said "I carried her for nine months"I said "Well before you carried her she was in me so I do get a say what she does and don't do and I don't want her with that shit"he said "Okay Justin damn"I said "Take her tomorrow get it removed"he said then walked out I huffed I went to Leah room "I have to take you tomorrow to get them off sweetheart"I said "Okay"she said "I seen you were happy with them but you know he still see you as his little girl"I said "Yea I understand that"she said "But remember you are in control of your life so whatever he says you fight for you and don't let anyone tell you less or more if you like it then like it"I said "just don't like Austin that would be Incest"I said "Okay I like my new friend they he's cute"she said "About that friend do you understand his situation"I said "He showed me pictures of him as a girl but he said he likes being a boy so yes mom I know"she said " I had costar i directed a movie for she's transgendered too she was a boy but now a girl and I have or had friends who are gay but they are still boys"I said "What if I'm gay"she said "Then baby girl you be you"I said kissing her head "Well get some sleep bunny"I said I turned her light off and walked out I went to Drew room "Hey honey"I said "Hey"he said "how you been"I said "I'm good"he said "Yea I'm just checking in I know I been ignoring you and Leah lately and I'm sorry about that"I said "Hey unless you're happy that's all I care about mom"he said "I nodded after seeing about him I went to the twins room Justin was putting Bella to sleep I smiled at how cute he was with her he looked up at me "I told Leah I take her to get them removed tomorrow"I said "Good but she can keep them for 4 days and then get them removed"he said I smiled "Okay"I said "But you do know she's 14 years old Justin she's a teen and I understand that she's still your little girl but baby she's becoming a young woman and I'll like for her to experience things we couldn't you know how hard life was as a teen especially being a teen heartthrob"I said "yea but baby I had to grow up fast I hardly had time to be a kid"he said I nodded "I know Justin me too"I said I kissed him he smiled "Come to bed"I said I seen Bella sleep so he put her in her crib we went into our room and locked the door we went to the bed and kissed I got undressed so did he he climbed on top and we had sex "Oh baby"I moaned "you like that huh"he said I nodded "Justin"I said he looked at me "Please never let me go ever again"I said he nodded and kissed my neck after sex we laid there and talked and cuddled like old times

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