Chapter 25

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Justin Bieber
I went downstairs and to the kitchen and cooked some food for the kids I texted leah to come home and to get Drew after they came I got Carly and Melissa ready for a dinner then I got the twins settled an hour passed when Selena came in she looked at the empty plates on the table she smiled and came over to me "Aww you cooked them dinner" she said "Yeah I couldn't leave them to starve" I said "Well game night is tonight" she said I nodded she kissed my cheek "Thank you" she said "They my kids no need to thank me" I said she smiled I grabbed a plate and put food on it for her "Chicken nuggets and fries for my precious wife" I said kissing her cheek "Thanks babe" she said "So later on tonight me and you" I said "Eww"Leah said coming into the kitchen "did you do your homework" I said "Yes dad I did" She said "Good" I said "Mom dad"Drew said "What is it" I said "my school is having a field trip and they asked if one parent of a student comes"he said "When is this trip" I said "Friday"he said "I'll see what my schedule is like" I said "You don't have to go I can"Selena said "No I don't want your lupus to flare up and there might be walking alot I'll go" I said "Fine"Selena said "But you better bring my baby back in one piece" she said "Fine" I said she kissed me going upstairs "So Leah you're turning big 14 this year" I said "My birthday passed I'm about to be 15 next year" she said "Wait what" I said "Don't worry dad with mom getting pregnant and birthing and Hailey situation no one even cared or bothered to ask"she said then she walked out I went to the room "Babe" I said "What" she said "Leah just told me she's 14"I said "She's 13"she said "well apparently she said she's 14 and we forgot her birthday" I said she stopped looking at her reflection she turned "Shit"she said she walked out I followed her "Leah" she said "What"Leah said "I'm sorry baby" she said "yeah while you were birthing kids I was turning 14"she said "I'm sorry" selena said she started crying she walked out "Look at me its okay" I said I hugged her "I'm the worst mother" she said "Look at me you went 9 years with two kids you are the super woman they look up too" I said she smiled "I love you Justin" she said "I love you too" I said she got up "I'm fine mom it doesn't bother me"Leah said coming in she hugged Selena Drew came in with a paper "Here"he said "This Friday"i said "Yea"he said "You just telling us"Selena asked "they gave it to us yesterday"he said "You waited a day to show us this"I said I took a deep breath "Okay Drew"I said I signed the paper and he ran off I sighed "You okay"Selena asked "Yea just a little stressed"he said "well come here babe"she said I went to her and she took my hand going upstairs she locked the door and got on the floor and sucked on me "mmm babe"I said "Yea daddy you love that"she said "Yes ma'am"I said she smirked she stood up and pushed me I walked back until I was by the bed and she pushed me she started sucking again but this time faster and she didn't hold back her throat then she released and did it again "Mom busy"I said she kissed my dick "Daddy"she said then climbed on top of me and we began to have sex after we cuddle her phone rung she answered it "Right now"she said "Ugh okay thanks"she said she hung up and got up getting dressed "What happened"I said "its will again"she said "Let me"I said "Are you sure"she asked I nodded we kissed I got dressed and I kissed her again and left out I got in the car and went to the bar I seen Will sitting there "Why it's always you to come"he said "Because Selena is our girl and she deserves every lick of respect yea I know I had my flaws but I love that girl and she's loves you so stop coming getting drunk and let's go"I said he looked at me "Justin I don't think I want to be with her anymore"he said "What"i said "Yea it's too much being in a throuble"he said "She really loves you will"I said "I know she do but I like someone else"I said "Well maybe she'll understand and I can have my baby fully to myself again"I said "Well I'm going home good night"he said and stumbled away "No I can take you home"I said "Who can help me take him
Home"I said "I'll help"A guy said "Kenny is that you"I said I hugged him "Man I haven't seen you since you retired"I said "Yea it's been good I been going on vacations and traveling but now that I'm close to 70 I decided to stop"he said I nodded "Well let's go"I said to Will I got his keys we got to his house I seen Selena standing there by the front door "babe what you doing here"I said "Selena"Kenny said her eyes widened "Oh my gosh how you been"she said "Good and wonderful"he said she nodded "So why are you here"I asked her "Oh um I felt like something was wrong and I see" "Will baby"she said Kenny looked at me "Anything for love"I said he nodded she hugged Will but he stumbled "He needs to lay down"I said I took him to lay down "When he sobers you and him need to sit down and talk I can't tell you what he said so when he sobers up talk to him"I said "You staying"I asked "Yea"she said after leaving out I took Kenny back to the bar "So um what's that about"he asked "She wanted to cheat and get back at me but she ended up pregnant with twins by us both and she fell in love with him and I love her too so I just accepted it"I said "So you him and her"he asked "yup"I said "Never knew you to be that kind of guy"he said "With all the girls I cheated with I could've had a multiple wives but I love and want Selena"I said he nodded "You always loved her I remember I was there when you first asked her out and when you were nervous about the first date she's the one who always have your heart"he said "we have 2 kids together but since I messed around I have 7 in total total and she still stayed I don't deserve her Kenny but she's here and I'm not letting her go"I said after talking and going back we exchanged numbers then I went home I called Selena she answered "so how is he"I said "Um he's fine"She said I can tell she was upset "Are you okay"I asked "Yea I'm just upset about everything this his second time drinking and us having to go get him"she said "If he keep getting drunk then he shouldn't be around the kids"she said "I know you love that men but baby just come home so I can hold you and be here for you"I said "I guess okay"she said after talking to Selena and convincing her to come home I went to check on the kids they were all cuddled in Leah room sleep together soon I felt a hand I seen Selena standing there she looked at me and I looked at her "He told you something what is it"she said "I cant say it's not my place"I said "Let me guess this too much for him"she said I stayed quiet she went to the room and sat down "Of course it is why wouldn't it be"I said "After everything I don't blame him"she said "He also said that he likes someone else"I said "I love him"she said then started crying I just held her as she cried we got in bed and laid down cuddling she went to sleep

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