Chapter 18

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Selena Bieber
I texted Justin to come home then leah went outside I kissed will "Are you okay" he said "Yea just a little under the weather this my Fifth was pregnancy but the 3rd to succeed I said "Yea you told me about the abortions" He said "I had a miscarriage before I got pregnant with Drew" I said the door opened and Justin came in "Are you okay"he asked "Yea I'm fine come" I said he looked confused I got up and grabbed his hand and sat him by Will I laid across them and grabbed the remote "Selena I was playing basketball"Justin said "so" I said I got up I went to the kitchen "Are you okay" I saw Drew "yea I'm fine" I said "Can I go to my friend house" he said "Sure" I said he grabbed his shoes and left "Will babe" I said he looked at me "Come here please" I said he came up me I kissed him and he kissed back "What if you" I started and whispered in his ear "As much as I like that I won't do it" he said "Why not" I said "Because Selena I said before I respect you so much then that" he said "You literally texted him to come back and he rejected you so here you are jumping to me"he said "I like you but I'm not about to be second choice"he said he walked away "Fine" I said I went to my room slamming my door shut and laid there the door opened I laid there pissed off I heard a belt buckle and pants unzipping I felt the bed move a kiss was planted on my cheek I smelled Justin cologne he turned me to him he looked at me "I'm sorry" he said I rolled my eyes "Nope you won't" he said I smiled he kissed me he turned me on my stomach and slapped my ass "Roll them again and I swear"he said "What are you gonna do then daddy" I teased "I'll show you what I'm gonna do" he said he pulled my shorts down and his hands made there was to my vagina "Oh yes" I said I moaned at his fingers went in and out there was a knock "It's will"he said I got up and opened the door "Come join" I said he came in I locked the door I got naked and I let Justin continue rubbing me as I rubbed Will I laid on the bed and Justin on my left and will on my right my legs were wide open and Justin had his thumb on my clit and will kissing my neck "Mmmm"I moaned "will please do something else" I said getting frustrated with just the kissing he moved down to my boobs Justin did too I rubbed my vagina "Oh yes" I moaned come here"Justin said he entered me "Don't forget okay" I said "Right" he said he grabbed a condom and continued I started sucking Will "Who pussy"Justin said "Yours"I moaned "Bet damn right it is"he said he smacked my ass "Hold on" I said I grabbed a condom and slit it on Will then I slid him in my vagina and Justin was doing anal he gripped my hair as he pounded my anal and will pounded my vagina "Oh fuck" I screamed "This feels so good" I moaned I screamed out "I love ou " I said will kissed my neck "Mom" I heard but I was having the best orgasm ever right now I couldn't concentrate Justin grabbed me by the hair and kissed me and will sucked my boobs "Fuckkkk" I moaned "Selena" I heard a knock on the door came "Who is it" I said "Mother" she said "I'm busy" I said I rolled my hips on Will as him and Justin kissed my neck my eyes rolled "Shit" I said getting annoyed now "Stop" I said they stopped and I slid off them we went into the restroom I washed up then I walked out my room "What" I said as my mom and daughter sat there "I came to see how are things"she said "I thought I took your key" I said "Leah let me in"she said "Of course she did" I said "What was you just doing" she asked "Having relations with my boyfriend and husband" I said "You just gave birth 2 weeks ago" she said "So like everyone actually followed that" I said "Selena the kids don't need to seeing that" she said "Well technically they were at a friends house till you showed up so who at fault here" I said Justin came in "The twins running out of milk"he said "Okay" I said he kissed me and smacked my ass "Babe my mother right there" I said "So"he said I got so turned on from that "Damn daddy" I said she cleared her throat "I'm still here" she said "Yes mother like a parasite" I said Justin kissed me again "Want anything"he asked "uh yea some chocolate and pickles" I said "Got it Leah do you want to come"he asked her she nodded and they left Will came in he sat down and I sat in his lap he kissed my neck "So will do you feel comfortable here"she said "Mom stop" I said "He shouldn't be here if you trying with Justin" she said "get out" I said "Excuse me" she said "Your excused leave" I said "I get it your my mother but I'm 38 years old I have my own house and family so I'm the boss of my house not you so you can support or leave like you did when you seen I was still riding Justin dick" I said she slapped me "Get the hell out" I screamed Drew came in "Mom are you okay"He said "It's best you leave"will said mom got her bag and left I sat there tears came out my eyes "I'm sorry let me see"will said "She always does this" I said "What hit you"he asked "I'm fine where I am and she comes and judges me every time like she's embarrassed of me" I said "Well I'm sorry she hit you"he said I smiled "It's fine" I said after some hour Justin came back I went to him and hugged him "Are you okay" he asked "No" I said he picked me up I wrapped my legs around him I started kissing him he smiled

Selena BieberI texted Justin to come home then leah went outside I kissed will "Are you okay" he said "Yea just a little under the weather this my Fifth was pregnancy but the 3rd to succeed I said "Yea you told me about the abortions" He said "I h...

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He sat on the couch "Gosh Mom"I heard I laughed I got out his lap and sat down in his lap "So what's for dinner"Drew asked "Anything you guys want"Justin said "I want pizza"Drew said "Okay"he said "Hey sel I'm going to go home for a few days but I'll be back"Will said I smiled "Okay babe" I said he kissed me and left "I have you all to myself till he comes back"justin said he walked to the kitchen i followed him "Justin babe" I said "Yes" he said "Thanks" I said "For what" he said "Well since you been back you been here for the kids even though the incident you been here" I said "Well the kids are my kids even if a twin isn't mine I'll still here" he said I hugged him I started crying he held me as I cried "My big baby" he said a twin started crying Justin put me down "I have to go feed max" he said I nodded he walked off I went to my room and laid down and went to sleep

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