Chapter 24

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Selena Gomez
Once we got home I went to my room and laid down it was a an hour and then the door opened and closed Justin came and cuddled with me "The kids are doing homework"he said "Thanks for taking care of them" I said "I mean they were at school and I seen the letter ran straight to my mom house I seen them there so technically she had them"he said "Oh okay" I said "Are you okay"he asked "Yea just upset and tired" I said tears in my eyes "Upset about what" he said "I don't know" I said "Okay I'll leave you to rest"he said "No please hold me" I said "Okay baby"he said I closed my eyes "Can I join" I heard "Sure" I seen Leah she laid with us "I'm coming too"Drew said we laid they laid with me and I fell asleep with my family beside me
I woke up alone I ran around the house "Justin Leah Drew" I yelled I seen Hailey she was holding twins they were my twins "Give me my baby" I yelled I seen Justin go up to her and kissed her leah and Drew followed behind "Mom thanks for the cash"Leah told her "You are welcome" she said "That's my family" I yelled "Selena it's okay" I heard
Dream over-
My eyes opened I seen Justin and Leah sitting there "I thought" I started but Justin pulled me into a hug "She wont get us"he said "Who"drew said "Hailey"Leah said "We are not going anywhere mom"Leah said I laid back down Justin phone rung it was Hailey "Hello"he said "Yea I'll be there" he said "No can do" he said "See you there" he said Leah got up "well I'm going to my room mom if you need anything I'm down the hall"she said I nodded Drew went to his room Justin hung up "What did she want" I said ""She wanted to know is I'm still coming"he said "Did you let her know I'm coming" I said "no it's a surprise of element" he said "Okay when do we see her" I said "today"he said "Okay" I said "Leah" I said "Yes mom" she said "Do you want to go to Lilly house or grandma house today" "Lilly house" she said "Okay go get drew" I said he came in "Want to go over a friend house or grandma house" I said "my friend house next door"he said "okay then" I said Justin came out the restroom "The kids gong to they friends house" I said he nodded "Okay I can take them" he said "Alright" I said he walked away I got in the shower Justin came in "may I join"He said "Sure" I said after shower sex we got out we got the twins ready then dropped them off at the baby sitter house then went to scooter office everyone was here "why is she here"Hailey said "Because she's my wife"Justin said "I wasn't going to come without her"he added "Ugh fine" she said "So let's discuss this"Justin said "I don't want you and your trying to kill yourself just because I don't want to be with you is stupid like I said I'll do for the kids but me and you are done don't text me don't call my wife don't show up to my house if you need anything take it up with scooter I'm done you psycho woman"he said "Now me and my wife are going home because my kids need they bath and getting for school tomorrow" he said "let's go babe" he added grabbing My hand "Wait"she said he stopped "I'm giving you Carly"she said "I cant do it alone"she said "And we already decided I didn't want kids"she said "If you give her to us there's no getting her back like last time"he said she nodded "I understand" she said "Here are the adoption papers for both babies" she said "both" I asked "Remember I was pregnant I gave birth" she said "Okay then"he said he sign the paperwork "The kids are at my sister house I will bring them over" she said "sorry You not invited to my house get Kelia or whoever to bring them"he said she nodded "Okay" she said Justin grabbed my hand and we left we got the twins then went home I sat on the couch "Justin" I said "Yes babe" he said I went to him "That was so hot today" I said "you think babe" he said "Yea you dominant side came out" I said "I bet turns you on" he said "Yes daddy it did" I said "upstairs now and spread them" he said "Yes sir" I said I went to my room and went to the restroom then got in bed Justin came in he locked the door I smiled he kissed me "Mom" I heard "Ugh"Justin said "Yes" I said I got up and putting my robe on I went to Leah "What" I said "Hailey is outside"she said "okay" I said I went to the room "Leah says Hailey is outside" I said "I told her not to come"he said he got up and we walked out going outside "I told you not to show your face here"Justin said "I came to bring you them"she said shoving the kids to us "And I told you to have someone else bring them"he said "I wanted to make sure that they have a room" she said "Carly have a room they can share"He said "okay good here go Carly bag and I really don't have a name for the baby" she said "How the fuck you know what never mind I'll name her"he said "I'm sorry but momma have a life so you going with daddy and his nice wife"she said "selly"Carly said after Hailey gave us the kids she got in the car and drove off "She was never mother material"Justin said "Hey don't judge her" I said we all went in "her name Melissa"Carly said "You gave her that name" I asked "yes" she said "its a very beautiful name" I said she smiled "So precious" I said "Well let's go see your room" I said Justin picked Melissa up and I grabbed Carly hand leah went back over Lilly house "Wow"Carly said

Selena GomezOnce we got home I went to my room and laid down it was a an hour and then the door opened and closed Justin came and cuddled with me "The kids are doing homework"he said "Thanks for taking care of them" I said "I mean they were at sch...

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"you like" i said Carly nodded "We bought the crib today" i said  Melissa yawned in put her in the crib I went to the twins room

they were sleeping I went to my room about to take a nap when Justin came in "Come here I'm about to finish what you started"he said "Oh yea what's that" I said "You know what I mean baby girl" he said he picked me up and threw me playfully on the...

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they were sleeping I went to my room about to take a nap when Justin came in "Come here I'm about to finish what you started"he said "Oh yea what's that" I said "You know what I mean baby girl" he said he picked me up and threw me playfully on the bed I laughed "Gosh you so old so you know what to do" I said "Old" he said "Yea old" I said "Not little miss I'll be 40 this year" he said "Shut up you'll be 40 in a year or two" I said he smiled "yea I will" he said kissing me we had sex after sex we cuddled in bed "I was going to sleep before you came in" I said "Well sleep I have the kids"he said "Okay" I said he kissed my lips and head and walked out I fell asleep

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