Chapter 7

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Selena Gomez
Once at the club me and my friends met at I sat down "So how's the kids"Taylor asked "Ugh lately Leah been a handful Justin back in our life and she been turning tables with him it's been one thing after another"I said "You not pregnant are you" Francisca asked "No I'm Not" I said "Okay enough about my love life let's focus on Leah love life any y'all have kids 13"I asked "I do but he's grounded for now"Ashley B said "But for now let's hang out and let loose"Taylor said I nodded soon we ordered drinks and I asked Francisca to take my picture

Selena GomezOnce at the club me and my friends met at I sat down "So how's the kids"Taylor asked "Ugh lately Leah been a handful Justin back in our life and she been turning tables with him it's been one thing after another"I said "You not pregnan...

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and then I posted to Instagram soon I got a lot of likes and comments some people said here body shaming me soon the waiter came "Mrs.Gomez this drink came for you from that gentleman"She said I looked

"oh shit he's hot"Taylor said "Thanks but no thanks" I said "girl that could've been yours"Ashley said "Didn't y'all hear me when i said Justin back in my life"I said "And besides he's not my type"I said soon I seen someone stood by our table it w...

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"oh shit he's hot"Taylor said "Thanks but no thanks" I said "girl that could've been yours"Ashley said "Didn't y'all hear me when i said Justin back in my life"I said "And besides he's not my type"I said soon I seen someone stood by our table it was the guy "Hey I didn't introduce myself I'm will"He said "Well will I'm busy hanging with my homegirls" I said "We don't mind"Taylor said "Taylor"Francia said "It will only be two minutes"He said "Fine" I said I got up and went with him "So my first question are you still involved with your ex because I don't wanna mess up something"He said "Well I'm gonna be honest he's a cheater who doesn't deserve me but I love him so much I keep going back he keeps coming back so we have two kids who I adore and I need to see other people but if I do I'm scared I'm gonna lose him forever" I said "Well just have a open relationship"he said "He only focused on me now" I said "Well I would love to have your number or any texting app you have"He said "I have WhatsApp" I said he nodded we added each other then I went back to my friends after being at the club I went home I made sure the kids was sleep then I went to my room I seen Justin woke on the computer I went to the restroom "You need to delete them pictures"Justin said "Why" I said "Because you know why I don't know why you pulled your dress down like that anyway to take a picture"he said I stood in the door "Oh you mean like this" I said slowly pulling my dress down I turned the water on "Yea like that"I heard Justin came in the shower and pinned me on the wall "Delete those fucking pictures my kids mother isn't no slut"he said he then kissed me lifted me up he entered me "Oh god daddy" I moaned after shower sex we laid down he pulled me close kissing my shoulder then spooned me then he grabbed my phone "Delete the pictures"He said "Fine" I said he handed me the phone I deleted them "No guy should look at my girl but me"he said then kissed me then laid down trying to go to sleep I laid there my phone vibrated I looked I had a message from will "Hey beautiful it was good meeting you tonight"He said "It was good meeting you too" I typed we texted back to back then I slowly got out Justin grip going to pee soon will called "Hello" I said "Hey"He said "Hey" I said "How is the night going"He said "It's going good at home couldn't sleep so I'm using the restroom right now how's your night"I said "Just talking to you the very sexy mama"He said I smiled "Shut up" I said "So what are you doing tomorrow"He asked "Um just hanging around the house getting the kids ready for school being a girlfriend"I said "Well when you have time do you wanna grab lunch sometime"He asked "I'll think about it" I said biting my lip "Send my a pic"He said "Alright Hold on"I said

"oh shit he's hot"Taylor said "Thanks but no thanks" I said "girl that could've been yours"Ashley said "Didn't y'all hear me when i said Justin back in my life"I said "And besides he's not my type"I said soon I seen someone stood by our table it w...

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"Damn girl"He said I giggled "I know sexy huh"I said "Babe" I heard I looked to see Justin "Yea" I said "Come back to bed"Justin said "I got to go I'm needed"I said "Okay see you another day" He said "Bye" I said we hung up I walked out the restroom and sat on the bed "Who was that"Justin asked "It was nick Was just checking how I was"I said "At 4 in the morning"he said "Uh yea weird but yea" I said we soon went to bed I soon went to sleep

Leah Bieber
I woke up and went to the kitchen I see my mom texting on her phone smiling "Babe do you want some eggs"Dad asked her she ignored him "Babe"He said again "Mom"I need help with my lunch"Drew said "One moment drew"She said she then locked her phone then made his lunch for school then made mine "Baby do you want any breakfast"Dad asked "Yeah"She said "Okay"He said "Okay here go breakfast kids"dad said "Dad is taking y'all to school and Leah next week you are going to start riding the school bus"mom said "Why"I asked "Because I said so me and Justin need the cars for our careers or better yet I can hire a driver to pick you up for and from school because I have a lot of photoshoots coming up and dad has things to do so we can't be picking y'all up and taking y'all to school everyday"mom said "Mom did Carly go with Hailey when she left"I asked "Yea she did"Dad said "Will she be back"Drew asked "We don't know"mom said "What about my other siblings"Drew asked "Well about Austin we have to see if he wanna come over same with Gabbie and Carly I don't know because Hailey isn't exactly over your father"mom said "So Leah do you think you and Gabbie can get alone"She asked "For the family sake I guess" I said "So be it Saturday we invite everyone over"Mom said "okay it's 8:54 let's go"Justin said he left out with drew "Oh yea that's right still suspended why did I fix your lunch bag"Mom said "mom why are you texting another guy"I asked "What I'm not texting another guy" I said "Mom you was smiling texting dad and drew had to ask you a question twice" I said "Do you want ten more weeks added to your punishment"she asked "Let's make a deal"I said "Give me one device and I won't tell dad" I said she looked at me "Who the parent here"she said "Fine be that way" I said going to my room I got a book and read

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