Chapter 14

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Leah Bieber
I went outside and sat down tears came out my eyes it was always me mom and drew we were perfect ever since dad been back everything been going wrong I hate both my parents I hate dad for hurting mom the way he did and I hate mom for going and getting pregnant with another guy baby she wanted to get revenge on dad but it backfired because he don't wanna leave neither dose the guy so I'm stuck with a dad and probably a step dad "Are you okay"I heard I looked to see a girl she was about my age "I'm fine" I said "Crying isn't fine"she said "Please you don't even know me" I said "Your Leah Bieber"she said "Who are you" I said "I'm Britney I been going to school with you since 2nd grade"she said "So what you like stalking me or something" I said "No I been here in the hospital since school started"she said "I'm in stage four of leukemia" she said "Sorry" I said "Don't be"she said "So why are you crying"she asked "Be- why would I tell you" I said "Who would I tell I'm on my death bed"she said "My parents" I said "I had everything" I said "Me my mom and my brother is all I had and needed"I said "So what's the problem with that" she asked "My mom left my dad because he cheated now I'm 13 he's back and mom wanted to get back at him so she cheated on him and now she gave birth to twins"I said "I hate him for cheating on her and I hate her for letting what dad did reflect on her life to make her go and cheat"I said "Seems to me you have everything you want and needed plus more my mom and brother died in a car accident when I was only 3 my dad is working so much he hardly can come see me" She said "And you say you hate your parents I would do anything to have both my parents here holding my hand telling me it's gonna be alright"she said "If I say your parents should have aborted you because you sound ungrateful and you are mean your parents might have done things to hurt each other and the family but that's why it's called forget and forgive"she said (A/N:I have a book called forgive and forget I just haven't published it yet) "My mother was a fan of your mom she told me everything about you and your family she made it seem like everything was perfect but you are too ungrateful"she said then walked off I sat there I went back inside I went to my mom she was hugged up with her other boyfriend not dad I heard someone behind me I seen dad "Let's give them some space"he said "No" I said I went in there soon I couldn't hold it in I cried "Leah baby"mom said "why didn't you abort me" I asked "Leah come here"she said "No" I said "I hate you and I hate dad and I especially hate him" I said "I don't want 8 siblings I want me you and drew" I said "The way it was" I yelled "It's okey to be upset"dad said "why did you have to come back" I said to dad "Because I wanted to be here and watch you and drew grow"he said I ran out "Leah" I heard I went back outside I seen the girl she was sitting eating I sat by her "Ahh you back"she said "Yea I went to ask my parents but I freaked out" I said "You was supposed to feel guilty"she said "I do feel a little guilty" I said "You have everything a mom that you can go to a dad who sees you everyday a brother who maybe see you as his roll model but here you are complaining just because your mother birth twins by some other guy"she said "Excuse me"we heard I looked to see my mom and dad "Can we have a talk with our daughter"mom said "Sure"she said "Bye"she said and walked away dad sat down and mom was in the hospital wheelchair "Okay honey we ignored your feelings so let's Talk"mom said "Fine" I said "But I talk you listen" I said they nodded "Honey I know it's been hard on you to see me like this but now it's out of control I love your father and I love Will I don't want none of them out my life but if I had to choose I'll chose you and your brother"she said "But you didn't"I said "And I can't never forgive you for that" I said "Leah you can be mad pissed spit in my face but at the end of the day you are my little girl and I'm your mom"she said I looked I seen the girl sitting at another table she smiled at me everything that girl said came to me I cried she was right I had a mom and my brother and a dad probably two now and new siblings I had family who loved me I "Mom I'm really sorry" I said "Don't apology it's okay to be upset"she said "No mom I wasn't being supportive even though what you did was wrong to dad" I said they both hugged me "We love you Leah"they said "I Love you guys too" I said "I'll be right back" I said I went to the girl I sat down "Hey" I said she looked at me "See you have two parents who love you don't ruin it"She said "Come eat with us" I said "I possibly can't intrude"she said "I'll be back" I said I went to my parents they sat there with they arms around each other then will came and sat with them "Mom dad" I said "Yes"Dad said "There's a girl I know from school she's here all alone her dad have to work hard to pay her medical bills and her mom and brother passed away when she was only a toddler she don't have anyone but her dad is it possible she can have dinner with us"I said "I don't know honey because what if she can't leave the hospital And your mom not released yet either"dad said "At least we can check" will suggested I nodded "Come"he said Will took my hand I took him to her "Hi this is"i started "I'm her mother friend"will said "Hi"she said "So i hear Leah want you to have dinner with us"he said "I think so"she said "Well we have to see if you can come to our room"he said "Okay"she said me and dad and will went to Check and they staff said she was a very special girl in the cancer department of this hospital so they help arrange dinner and a room where we can have privacy my dad helped and payed them but they said it's on the house and gave us a area in the cafeteria and served us my mom had both twins and drew was here will dad and me and Britney we all sat and ate "So what time did you usually get up" I said "I have breakfast at 8 then I go straight to chemo"she said "I'll come after school" I said she nodded after will took me and drew home and actually stayed with us to make sure we was safe I went to my room and got ready for bed I went to the kitchen to see will sitting there on his phone "Do you love my mom" I said "Yes" He said "Leah I know you don't like me and I respect that but me and your dad had made out with your mom and things took another turn where she had gotten pregnant"he said "I know all about sex I actually caught my parents having sex once when I was younger so I know what you mean you don't have to sugar coat it" I said "Well me your mom and dad had a three some and now she gave birth to twins"he said "I already have 6 siblings from dad side and I really can't control what mom do if she love you and dad then that's on her just know people are gonna judge you her and dad"I said "Do you have friends"he asked "Just one but I did want to start hanging out with Britney" I said he nodded "Well if we gonna see each other almost every day I should get to know you"will said I nodded "okay but right now I'm getting very tired" I said he nodded "Okey good night Leah"will said "Night will" I said I closed my door and went to my bed and went to sleep

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