Chapter 6

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Justin Bieber
I Drove up to Ryan photo shop I knew he would be here I went in I seen Ryan taking pictures of a family I waited after he was done he turned and looked at me "What are you doing here" He asked "How is he"I asked "He's Fine"He said "One day he's gonna realize that we are not his parents and ask us we're his parents are"he said "When the time is right I'll tell him in the mean time Leah likes him"I said "But that's"he started "Her half brother I know but I'm already having problems with Hailey and her kids situation I don't want Chantel grave hunting me too"I said "I get it Justin it's too much responsibility but you laid in bed with them you have to face the truth one day"he said "But not today I just got selena back"I said he nodded "Meet me at my house to see Leah have Austin with you"I said he nodded I left and went home I sat there thinking yea Austin is my son me and Chantel son I have probably 6 kids in total now Leah was my first born then Gabbie and Austin when I was sleeping around on Selena then in 2018 me and Selena had Drew now I have I have Carly and Hailey pregnant again so yea Hailey pregnant with the 6th child yovanna already made it clear she don't need my help Chantel died she had got shot by her boyfriend he caught her cheating thank god it wasn't with me but I still feel sad about it she's still Austin mother I got out the car and went in Carly came to me "Daddy"She said "Hey princess"I said I picked her up I kissed her cheek she hugged me I sat her down on the ground and went to Leah room I knocked she looked at me she was crying Selena sat with her " Leah sweet heart what's wrong" I asked "Did you know" She asked "Know what"I said "That Austin was adopted his real mom is Chantel Jeffries I looked Ryan Butler up Dad he doesn't have any blood kids dad"she said "I found your arrest record Justin Bieber went to jail for racing and DUI and the girl in the passenger side was guess who dad Chantel Jeffries Daddy save me the pain he's your son is he" Leah asked Selena sat there and looked at me too Drew came in they all looked at me selena came up to me she slapped me "How dare you"she yelled at me Leah ran out crying Drew ran after her "You lied to me you said he was your godson you know she a prodigy and was gonna find out well congratulations Justin how many fucking kids do actually you have out there like seriously"she asked "Just 6 I swear"I said "6 god damn Justin" She yelled "Chantel dead and I didn't want to take responsibility's after she died so I had put him up For adoption soon I learned Ryan was the one who had got him he called me he knew I was Austin real dad and said I can come see him whenever but I never want to see him"I said "It's never too late"She said I nodded "Now let's go find Leah like you said she's a fragile girl"She said I nodded "Drew"Selena said "In here"He said we went to there hiding spot "Let me get them out"Selena said
Selena Gomez
I climbed into the kids hiding space they built "did you know"she asked me "No he fooled me too he told me Austin was his godson"I said "Maybe that feeling you was having is letting you know he was your brother and not your lover"I said "Maybe I don't know" She said "Well we all have to talk about this Leah dad wants to explain"I said "I'm not talking to him he keeps lying Mom"she said "Well don't talk Just listen"I said she nodded I got out the hiding spot Drew came out " Leah come on"He said "No"She said "Dad really want to explain at least give him that"he said she came out she went to the living room we all sat down on the couch soon Justin came "Okay Leah I owe you an explanation I know you might like Austin but you can't date him because he's your brother and I'm so sorry Leah you will have to find someone else to date"Justin said "We are inviting Ryan and Austin to dinner tonight Ashley is out of town"Justin said "Wait you haven't seen him before"I said "It's time I knew my son"He said I nodded "Go Get Changed kids"I said I went to take a shower and put a casual but comfortable clothes

Justin BieberI Drove up to Ryan photo shop I knew he would be here I went in I seen Ryan taking pictures of a family I waited after he was done he turned and looked at me "What are you doing here" He asked "How is he"I asked "He's Fine"He said "On...

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