Chapter 20

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Selena Bieber
I was woken by the bed movement I looked
up and I seen Drew standing in front of me "Yes" I said "Are you okay mom"he said "Yea I'm fine" I said I was about to get up but I remember I was naked I laid back down "I need to get dressed so please leave out" I said he left out soon Justin walked in he kissed me "Leah got into another fight at school" he said "I thought we went through this" I said "It's not about us or family it's about her friend she likes" he said "Leah Marie" I yelled she came in "what do we have to do so you won't be fighting" I said "But mom I didn't start the fight a girl was making fun of steph and I told her to knock it off but she called him a bad name and pushed him so i stepped in because he's not allowed to hit girls" she said "Was Lilly there" I said "Yes"she said "Was she the bully" I asked "No" she said "Okay well I would be talking to her brotherß" I said "Okay" she said she walked out I got and went into the restroom Justin came in "May I join"he said "Sure" I said he came in I turned the water on he made me look at him "When I'm done you will be so sore"he said "Right" I said he smacked my ass "Don't get sassy"he said he entered me I moaned "Oh my gosh" I moaned "Baby" I said "Justin" I said he rubbed my vagina as he pumped in and out he kissed and sucked my neck after shower sex I kissed his lips and we were both done showering we got out and got changed I got the twins ready and Justin made sure the neighbors were okay with Leah and Drew staying with them for a few after getting them situated me and Justin left to the DNA building we went in I seen will here also I hugged him he smiled at me after signing in we didn't have to wait long because we're celebrities they swobbed justin mouth and will mouth "well the results should be back within two or three week's"she said I nodded after we went home the kids came back in the door opened and closed I seen Will standing there "we need to talk"he said "Whatever you say to me you can say in front of Justin" I said but I knew what was happening "Actually don't I already know what's happening thanks for being here" I said and went to my room tears came out my eyes "Will still here"I heard I walked out and went to him I wiped my eyes "Can I explain"he said "what's to explain" I said he just walked out i nodded and went back upstairs and laid down tears came out my eyes I fell asleep silently crying.

Leah Bieber
I watched as my mom walked out I ran outside "What's wrong with you she literally cheating on my dad to be with you and you just leaving her" I said "I need to be alone"he said "Alone for what"he said "Your 13 you won't understand"he said and got in his car and left I went to Drew room he was watching tv I sat and watched with him I heard yelling and glass breaking I went to my room getting my earphones putting them on Drew head I went to my my parents room mom was screaming and crying dad tried to stop her her bipolar depression kicking in I went in "Mom" I said she looked at me I went to her I hugged her and she cuddled up on the bed "Here mom" I said handing her her bipolar medication "Your head must be hurting" I said she nodded "Dad get water please" I said he nodded "it's going to be okay" I said he came back with the water "Here mom" I said she took the pill Drew came in he sat with mom "Is she okay"dad asked "No in 2023 after I thought you left she was diagnosed with bipolar disorder"Leah said "The doctor told me the other day"dad said "She needs to rest" I said "Okay well let her sleep"dad said I kissed mom head and left out with Drew I stood there and watched dad cuddle up to mom as she cried she looked tired and fragile I grabbed my shoes and ran outside I ran till I couldn't I remember reading will address on my mom phone I went to ""his house I ran in without knocking I hit him "My mom is upset now" I yelled "Leash stop"he said "how did you get here"he said "I ran here" I said "I'm calling your dad" he said "No I want to know why you broke up with my mom" I said "Because she's using me to make him jealous" he said "But you told her you liked her" I said "Because I do like her I love her but she loves him more" he said "I need time to myself" he said "And then twins were made from this relationship she wanted him and me and I did it because I love her your mom is the best thing going in my life now but I need time to think"he said "well here's my instagram when you want to talk" I said I walked to the door I opened it to see dad "Dad" I said "What's going on here" he said "I came because I was mad at him He just can't breaks mom heart and leave without saying why" I said "Get in the car"dad said I went to the car

Justin Bieber
I stood by the door "Im sorry that she came" I said "She's a child she doesn't understand"he said "Yea" I said "Well you know where we are when you have time" I said he nodded I went to the car "You can't just leave the house when you want to" I said "Sorry but"she said "No buts" I said we got home Selena was sitting on the couch watching tv "Are you okay" I asked "Yea I have to be"she said "Leah go get ready for bed" I said "Okay" she said I looked at Selena "so are you gonna sit out here" I said she shrugged "Okay come on" I said I picked her up going upstairs I laid her bed "Have you ate today" I said "No" she said "are you hungry" I said "No"she said "Well you have to eat to survive" I said "I'll manage" she said "Selena babe I want you healthy" I said "I'm fine" she said laying there she sat up she looked warm out dark eyes

She looked at me "Can we cuddle"she said "sure" I said I laid with her I kissed her "I love you very much" I said "I know" she said I kissed her neck "Justin stop I just want to cuddle" she said but I ignored her and continued "Mmm" she moaned my ...

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She looked at me "Can we cuddle"she said "sure" I said I laid with her I kissed her "I love you very much" I said "I know" she said I kissed her neck "Justin stop I just want to cuddle" she said but I ignored her and continued "Mmm" she moaned my hands pulled her shirt up I sucked her boobs "Baby" she whispered I got up and pulled my basketball shorts down my moved her legs and got between her legs  I kissed her and rubbed our noses she kissed me  I stuck my dick in her vagina she moaned she rubbed my chest I sat up she looked beautiful and sexy without makeup "I love you so much" I said "I love you too" she moaned I went faster "Oh my" she moaned she gripped my ass and kissed me  "Oh yes daddy"she moaned I kissed her neck "You so beautiful baby" I said "My baby" I said kissing her face all over she giggled "There she goes" I said she kissed me "I love you Justin" she said "And I love you" I said after sex we went to sleep

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