Chapter 7

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I could hear the person getting closer to the door. Shit this was a bad plan after all maybe I should have talked to Toby before just attacking him like a peasant like Lou would say. I could feel Zayn’s grip around me get tighter, it would usually bother me when it came to others but it wasn’t the same case right now. Hmm I wonder why? I pushed the thoughts away and the door opened.

To my relief it was Toby not my dad oh sorry step-dad or mum. Toby led us inside and instead of leading us into the lounge gestured us to sit in the kitchen. Not that I had a problem with it or anything but it was kinda awkward and the tension was think in the air. I don’t know why but it was. Toby had his eyes on Zayn the whole time. It was kinda disturbing but I didn't say anything. On the other hand I could feel Zayn’s eyes on me.

“Errm so do you want me to call mum-” Toby said but I cut him off.

“You mean step-mum right?” I raised my eyebrow at him.

“Yeah” he fiddled with his fingers looking embarrassed.

Zayn came closer to me. “What was that for, unnecessary much?” a smirk plastered across on his face. Which made my cheeks heat up slightly.

“Sorry yeah that’d be nice of you.” He got up calling mum and I could hear her coming. I looked back at Zayn who simply just winked at me, making it look like it was no big deal.

Oh god Sapphire what have you gotten yourself into now, like dad would say when I was really small. I was his little princess once, things had changed in a blink of an eye. I was wondering around with the hottest boy band something girls would kill for.

In front of me I had my own mother who I hadn’t seen for years standing. She didn’t make a move neither did I. She was healthier from before Duh! Not to mention that she was kinda living in a mansion. The house was huge and not to mention posh and fancy.

Zayn gave me a push from the back wanting me to do something but I didn’t really know what I could’ve said or done. Instead I had opened my moth to say something when mum embraced me into a hug and fresh tears were streaming down her cheeks.

Zayn got up from behind me and went outside. “Errm I’ll give you guys some privacy” he patted my shoulder and gave me a smile.

I wiped the tears away from my mum’s eyes.

“I can’t believe it’s you Sapph” she hugged me once again. Her eyes glittering brightly.

“I wanted to get you from your dad but.. But he wouldn’t let me and I had just shifted in with John” my mum choked the words out.

“Mum its ok I barely give two shits what happened what’s done is done” I sighed “I might have been abused but it’s done now” tears were now streaming down my cheeks.

My mum stroked my cheek rubbing away the tears.

“I think you should meet your dad he was as eager to get you back the way I was” I gulped the doubt. I don’t think he would least care he was in love with my mum not me. And after all my mum told him she had a daughter on their 2 anniversary so it wouldn’t change the fact that he might not want me. He had his son so why would he exactly want me.

Mum had gone to call my step dad and I exited the kitchen and pulled Zayn hurriedly. It was a sudden move a bit too quick that mine and Zayn’s lips were inches apart.

“Vas the hurry babessss” he dragged the babes a bit too long. His breath was hovering on top of my lips. I swear for a second his eyes dropped on my lips.

I could feel a smirk spread across my lips. “And yet I thought Haz was the flirt” I twirled on my heel inert wounding.

“She’s calling my stepdad and insists that he loves me the same way she does and I highly doubt that cause even you know steps are never nice I mean how could they even be he wouldn’t even want me I’m just a worthless child who might have been a big mistake back then this is so messed up should we both like just run off like right now and make up a lame excuse later on I mean like there is no reasonable reason I should meet him he means nothing to me same goes for him I mean why would I?” Zayn hugged me tight suddenly stroking my hair.

“BREATHE” he said sternly I was freaking out what could I do

“Firstly you are NOT worthless neither a mistake nor any shit you said right now” his eyes darkened as he gripped me tight.

“You’re amazing ok get that in that brain of yours and what if he doesn’t like you, you have us now don’t you? Look it will be ok I mean it.” He consoled me and surprisingly I had a tad bit of hope inside me.”

A man walked from behind me and coughed loudly trying to get our attention.

He wasn’t so old or too young fairly in the mid 40’s you could say. He had brown hair and sparkly grey eyes. At least my mother’s choice and selection was better than  my dad’s.

“I’m John your stepdad” he said calmly.

“I think I know that” I mocked “Sapphire”

I lifted my hand to shake but he pulled me into a hug. Ok this may just may work out not like I thought but maybe better. I hadn’t left Zayn’s grip as he was really comforting. I smiled at my step dad and Zayn came close to my ear.

“Told you it would work out” Zayn whispered.

“Oh yeah when we have kids that’s what I’ll tell them” Zayn blurted a bit to bluntly. Omg he did not just say that I didn’t have a boyfriend and he wanted me to get married this early and with him that was by shock Lols.

I stared at him giggling a bit and he completely flushed red not making eye contact at all.

“Look Sapph I know you won’t like me cus I married your mother but as equal to your mother I love you like I love Tobs and I will make sure we have no misunderstanding” he said not wanting me to take him any differently to my real dad.

Eh that will take a bit of time I thought to myself.

“Awkward” Zayn said in a hush voice making me giggle. Stupid Zayn -.-

I just passed him a reassuring smile.

My step dad and Toby had left and my mum was sitting in front on the kitchen counter.

“My little princess already has a boyfriend who’s in One Direction I approve” my mum said rather bluntly. I could feel my cheeks heat up.

“No were just friends mum” I kind of whined to her.

“Oh so are you dating Harry you did like him a lot back then” mum said

“Mum nooooo I’m not with Zayn or Harry” I gave a stern look and she just laughed.

I took a glance at Zayn but he was taken aback was it cause of what I had said. I mean I wasn’t lying we were just friends in reality too nothing more. The hurt was evident in his eyes and he didn’t make eye contact.

After some chat and stuff we finally left. Saying goodbyes and everything.

“Ah sorry about that back there I shouldn’t have pulled you into this” I said a bit cheerily knowing he wouldn’t mind. But the exact opposite happened.

He just shoved his hands in his pocket and kept walking like i wasn’t even talking.


Hey everyone sorry this is rather short but it ill make sure the rest are longer for sure. 

Hope you guys like it

Leave all ur comments, opinnions and dont forget to vote

thank you

-Eiza xxxxx :*** 

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