Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Tonight No Dreams

There's a time in Life

When we think we'll fight Alone ...

It seems like Nobody you know

But Tonight ... We're together

Cause Friends we are Forever

But Tonight ... We're together

Cause friends are Forever

Tonight ... Take it easy

No Drinks , No Dreams

Tonight ... Take it easy

You'll find your Love

Tonight ... Take it easy

No Drinks , No Dreams

Tonight ... Take it easy

This is your night , You need it

Over your future Take it

Feel Inside and Say ' I leave Tonight '

We're so Unrelated

All the Rainbow we take it

Feel Inside and Say ' I leave Tonight '


“WHAT THE FUCK IS IT HAROLD EDWARD STYLES, IM NOT AN EARLY PERSON SO SPILL” I shouted through the phone. I knew it would be Harry as I had set ‘Friends Forever by Edward Maya’s song’ for his ringtone. Ugh the sun had invaded my room through the net curtains of my balcony. I was sure there would be a typical London breeze today as I saw the tree leaves dancing with the wind.

“Well good morning to you too, love” he spoke casually.

“Harry I’m serious what is it?”

I said flatly and unenthusiastically as ever, and I heard him chuckle through my iPhone speaker. I hated getting up early in the morning just a bad habit. After all I barely sleep at night with all the thoughts corrupting my mind and making simple facts into deadly opinions.

Even in Texas most of the time I just used to get abused for getting up what like… 10 minutes late and to be honest it sucked badly. I would just go to this field near my shed sit there looking up at plain sky it use to be beautiful when stars would be visible. But mostly there would just be dark blue and purple blotches spread across the bear sky showing the natural beauty. Often I would take the guitar from the shed and sing and write lyrics. Usually all the songs I wrote weren’t on swooning over boys to fall to my feet, they would show the pain I had kept inside me, the pain I wanted to express in many different ways but just couldn’t somehow.

“Just wanted to say get ready in half an hour we are leaving for the interview, I could have texted but it wasn’t like you would have read it and someone locked their door so calling was the only option love” he cooed in the phone and I rolled my eyes. Typical Harry I knew, literally I don’t even get him anymore. One minute it’s perfect, he isn’t self centered and is acting all normal then the other in a blink of an eye he changes his moods, and  acts like a stranger around me.

Most of the time I think his fame and fans is all he thinks about. It’s like he has totally shut me out. Well then for some reason now I certainly believe that people change over time the way of life changes and the memories are all that is left.

I turned around in my bed still not wanting to get up, but there was some urge in me telling me to get the fuck up. My eyelids were still heavy, almost like begging for sleep. I felt all weak and vulnerable; I didn’t even have the strength to face Amy’s horrid comments and stares. I just wanted to sleep forget all my worries for once, and sleeping could do that partly. But defiantly not when nightmares would erupt and spoil the way I would think into complete disaster.

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