4. Food!

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Sam pov

I rolled over in bed and spread my limbs out. Quickly I noticed that Esme wasn't lying next to me and I started to panic. I searched the motel and she wasn't there, but soon I noticed a post-it note stuck on the window.

It read: I'm hungry so I'm getting food. See ya. ~Esme

Panic over. I looked through the net curtains of the motel window. Deans implala was gone. She always drive the impala, even though she doesn't have a drivers licence, so if we are stopped by the police we are fucked. Dad, me or dean hasn't taught her to drive so I have no clue how she does. But she does drive quite well.

"You look deep in thought there,sammy" I guess dean is awake.
"Esme has gone to get food by the way" I said. Dean nodded and put on a plain grey shirt and his jeans. He zipped up Esme's open bag and put it next to his. He yawned then walked into the bathroom.

I started getting dressed. I put on a blue checkerd shirt and my jeans, then I just crashed on the bed facing the ceiling. I began to get sudden flash backs. About mum and jess. A tear hit the pillow. I sniffed and sat up again.

I heard the roar of the impala engine outside. Esme must be back. God, I hope she has got me a salad.

Esme came through the door and dumped plastic bag on the bed. "The chocolate is mine. You touch the chocolate and your dead. The Doritos are mine. You touch the Doritos and you are also dead" she spluttered. I held my hands up in surrender.
"Yup, whatever you say" I said back. The laughed and walked over to the mirror and began fixing her hair.
I open the bag and rummage through the chocolate and Doritos. I see pie for dean and.... YAAAAS!! A chickpea salad. I pick it out of the bag and cradle it in my arms.

Esme stared at me through the mirror. "Weirdo" she muttered. I just laughed and took of the lid and picked up the plastic fork inside.

Dean came out of the bathroom. And saw the bag of food. He launched himself towards it and retrieved the pie. His eyes lit up and he hugged Esme. "You make a man very happy" he muttered with pride.
Esme did her patronising nod. I just laughed and shoveled the greens into my mouth and munched on it happily.

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