12. My boys are back

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Dean POV.

As soon as I set foot in the hospital my mood plummeted. We walked up to the reception desk. The receptionist was one hot cookie, her name badge read 'Chloe'. She is our girl.

"Excuse me?" I said.
She looked up from her computer and smiled at me.
"Dean and Sam Winchester here to visit Esme Winchester."
Chloe nodded, "ah yes, follow me please" she said cheerily.

She led us through a number of doors with horrible signs above. She took us through A&E and into a critical condition ward. From there she pointed to room 38. She gave me a weak smile and said "I will send a doctor to you later to talk to you about giving the blood, it's just standard procedure- it's nothing to worry about." She added looking at Sam's concerned expression. Then she left.

I opened the door to room 38 and dreaded what I would find. Esme had been beaten to shit, cuts and gashes all over he perfect skin. Her chest and abdomen was obviously heavily bandaged from the unnatural bulge under her hospital gown. Her knee was supported under a pillow. She had multiple IV's stuck in her arms, one was connected to a blood bag, I guess they had some, but not enough.

Esme POV

I heard my door open and close and could sense the presence of 2 people. I tried to move and open my eyes or at least grunt but I couldn't make a sound. I wasn't strong enough yet. Boy, those sons of bitches really did some damage.

I remember colliding with the hard concrete after the demons threw me out of the van, then rolling not as gracefully into a ditch. Then about 6 hours later the warmth of somebody picking me up. And the sound of the truck engine combined with old folk music, after that nothing until I woke up here. When I say 'woke' I mean became aware.

But now I was aware of the two people in my room. I was worried that they are different demons come to finish me off. I was determined to find enough strength to see who it was but I couldn't.

Then I felt both sides of the mattress next to me dip down with weight. Then a hand touched my head and began stroking my blood matted hair. I could hear crying. Deans crying. I wanted to comfort him so badly. Then another hand hold my own tightly. Must be sam. Sam lent down and kissed my forehead.

"How could I let this happen to you Esme?" Deans gruff voice said "how could I be so stupid to let you go out by yourself like that?" He cried.
"It's not your fault Dean, don't blame your self" Sam said quietly.

Then before I knew what was happening my free hand was apon his on my hair and my eyes were wide open. "Sammy's right you know" I laughed, although it came out as more of a croak.

My brothers both looked at me in pure disbelief. I managed to create a small smile on my face which contagiously planted one on Sam and dean.

Then they both hugged me tight and kissed me many times. Obviously this hurt like hell. "Ow!" I groaned and they immediately withdrew.

"How you feeling, pumpkin?" Sam said wiggling his eyebrows at me.
"Not good" I grumbled back and weakly pointed to the blood bag. I had lost so much blood I was so pale and dry. I felt so horrible and drained.

"It's okay sweetie Sam and I are going to give some blood today so that they can give it to you, aren't we Sam?" Dean said, practically hurling the last part at Sam. Sammy just pulled a bitch face. Damn I really missed his bitch face.

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