22. Backstory

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Pricilla POV

Winchester? Did I just hear that right?

Dean Winchester is my dad, I'm sure of it. My mother talked about him a lot. She was a druggy and an alcoholic, so I was surprised she remembered him, let alone her own name.

I was neglected by her so I got into the same habits as she did, smoking, drinking and taking drugs. I got in with the wrong crowd and the next thing I knew I was being attacked by a ganged blood thirsty monster. It cut its hand and smeared its foul blood into my mouth. I was on a high at the time so I didn't think much of it. The I got the blood cravings. My mothers beating heart sounded so tasty and I just had to give it try. So I killed her. Ripped her heart out and drained her blood. She was the most sagas going meal I ever had and I don't regret a thing.

Unfortunately life for my poor old mother went pear shaped after dean left her. Once he discovered she was pregnant he left as fast as he could. But my mum didn't know that he couldn't have a family because he is to busy killing creatures like me. However here I am standing under a rail way bridge with three confused Winchesters and my long post father holding a machete to my throat.

Dean blinked a few times and lowered his machete. But the tall one kept his gun pointed at me. "You sure get around dean" the girl scoffed.
"Shut up you" dean snapped back. The girl put her hands up in surrender and stepped back. The tall one sniggered. Just sibling banter I guess.
"How old are you? 15" dean asked.
"16" I corrected him.
"Amy or Hannah?" He asked again. I assumed he was talking about my mum.
"She was Hannah."
"Was?" He eyed me suspiciously.
"She's dead." I said.
"Killed by you, no doubt." He spat.
"You don't know what life was like for mum after you left. I was born and she didn't even care. She drank and took drugs and left me for dead. I had to bring myself up without a mum or dad. Then I got turned and it just so happened that my drunk high mother was my first kill. She would have died soon after anyway as she attempted more than once to take her own life. Not to mention her addictions which would have definitely killed her. So? Why don't you just kill me. Well, I'm the result if your clumsy sex so why not just fix the problem. Or do you want a condom next time?!?" I shouted at him.

All three of them stepped back to take in what I had just said.

Then dean came towards me and pulled me into a strong fatherly hug. "It's okay, I got you." He whispered into my ear. The other two Winchesters smirked and whispered to each other. "Are you going to kill me?" I asked.

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