14. Clumsy old moose

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Dean POV

I heard a crash at the bottom of the stairs. I ran out of the kitchen to asses the situation. Sam was knocked out cold in front of the bottom step. I stifled a laugh remembering the last time Sam fell down the stairs in a Casino at Vegas in front of some hot chicks buying us beers.

I called bobby out to help me move Sam onto the couch and Esme onto the Floor. Bobby left and returned with a bag of frozen peas. He raised his eyebrows at me before putting them on Sams head. "What?" I asked
"Nuthin'" he replied.

I heard Esme stir from behind me. I turned to face her and she was sitting up and rubbing sleep out of her eyes. She looked slightly scared. "You okay?" I said. She nodded fast then stood next to me. "What happened?" She asked.
"Sammy boy fell down the stairs" I said. Esme snorted with laughter obviously remembering Vegas too. She bent down and kissed his nose. "Clumsy old moose" she said with sympathy. I couldn't help but laugh at that comment. I heard bobby laugh a bit as well from the kitchen.

Suddenly Sam jolted up right. Esme and I both jumped out of our damn skins. Sam had a look of panic and confusion on his face. He looked at Esme, then at me.

"Bobby?" He called, bobby walked in from the kitchen carrying two beers, one of which he handed to me. "Bobby can you take Esme outside for a bit please." Sam asked.

Bobby looked confused but didn't ask questions as he pulled Esme out of the door despite her objections.

I looked Sam straight in his emerald green eyes.
"Tell me Everything"

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