5. Gotta case

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Esme pov

After we finished the food Sam hopped on his computer and was searching for a case. Dean was cleaning the guns and I plugged my ear phones into my iPod and listens to some Panic! At The Disco.

Then I joined dean in cleaning the weapons. I pulled my trusty dagger out of my bag and began to sharpen it. It was the dagger that my mother had given me when I was very small. Although I hardly remember my mother I know that this dagger was very special to her. She gave it to me the night before she died. Like she knew what was going to happen. What I would be doing after her death. But I am so glad that dad got me and took me in.

Sammy picked up his laptop and brought it over to dean and I. "A number of bodies go missing by a near by lake. No traces of where they have gone. Seems like a case to me" Sam explained. Dean nodded. "And it's near bobbies way. We can stay there. " Sam noted.
"Well... Why don't we go check this out then " dean said as he got up and started putting his things back in his bag. "10 minuets?" He asked.
"Yeah that's fine" I said back and sammy nodded while he picked up his laptop.

I stuffed my things into my bag and picked up my backpack. I ran down to the impala and shoved it in the boot. I had just enough time to grab a drink before we leave. I jogged down to the convenience store and bought a bottle of coke. As I was jogging back I got lost in my thoughts.

I don't really want to go on this case. I mean, this line of work is very exhausting and we only just finished the last case. They have been on cases before. And I doubt that they will be long. If I don't go at least I can spend some time with bobby.

When I got back they were waiting in the impala. Sam was in the front seat. As I slithered into the back he said "shot gunned" in a very smug way so I clipped him around the back of the head. "What was that for?" He wined.
"Being a smug son of a bitch" I mimicked his tone of voice. Then dean put on his classic rock so I put my earphones back in and sipped on my coke.

About half an hour later I though. It was a good time to tell them I wasn't going on the case. "Ummm guys?" Sam turned and dean nodded. "I think I'm just gunna sit this one out." Sam faked being hurt.
"Why?" He asked.
"Well, I thought I could spend some time with bobby and just lay low for a while. But by all means you go. It might do you some good to be brother with brother again. Just the two of you. " I could see them playing the idea over in their minds. "Yeah okay. But you gotta call us every night, okay" dean said.
I patted his shoulder " okay fine"
He laughed slightly then began to sing. I rolled my eyes and put my ear phones back in. I hope they will be okay with out me. I gently nodded off to sleep.

When we got to bobbies. I felt dean pick me up. He never liked waking me. I snuggled into his chest. "We are here Esme" he prodded me in my sides. I yelped and stood up in a strange karate type position.

Bobbly opened the door and gave the boys hugs. Then I ran up to him and gave him a huge hug. He kinda lifted me up a bit. Then we walked in. "Missed you kiddo" he said with his arm around my shoulder.
"Missed you too bobby"

Sam and dean explained to bobby what was going on and that I was staying while they went on the case. They were going to be gone for about two weeks apparently. I was gunna miss them. But I was gunna call often. I knew that if I didn't dean would get worried.

My brothers stayed a night then left in the morning. "Bye Esme. Be good. Look after bobby" Sam said as he leaned down from his enormous height to give me a hug. And then dean did the same but stayed in the hug a lot longer. "You better call every night. And.... And if anything happens you make sure you let us know. Be safe Esme." He whispered into my ear. I nodded and squeezed him tight before he pulled out of the hug and gave bobby a quick hug. Then they got in the impala and drove away. "Pizza?" Bobby asked.
"Oooooh yeeeeaaaah" I said and jumped on the couch. Bobby laughed.

I put the TV on and picked up the local paper. I flicked through a few pages. Nothing interesting going on. But then, I saw an advert for the local diner. They were in need of a waitress. Well, I guess I need something to do in these two weeks. So I called up the number.

Esme to the side^^^

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