36. Beef!

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Sam POV:

Esme still wasn't talking, after a week of being back she hadn't said a word. Cill thinks that it's all her fault, we keep telling her its not but Esme isn't making her feel any better.

" hey, Esme, I'm just getting coffee, you want anything?" I called as I approached the door. She ignored me. "Cill? Dean?"

" we're good thanks sammy," dean called from the kitchen.

I nodded and left the motel. God, we really need to get on the road again.


I sat on the park bench and enjoyed my coffee. Then I got a phone call. I looked at the caller ID. Dean.

"Hello" I said
"Hey, sammy, where you at?"
"I'm in a park down town, why?"
"Errr... I went to pay for a few extra nights in the motel, and wen I came back Cill was gone!"
"What! Is Esme still there?!"
"Yeah, she was asleep, she told me we doesn't know where Cill is!"
"Wait, Esme spoke to you?"
"Yeah, Sam, come back here as soon as you can"
"Right, I'm on my way" is said and ended the call.

I picked up my bag and binned the rest of my coffee. I began to jog a fast but steady pace back to the motel. It seems that I leave those three alone for half an hour and all hell breaks loose.

I rocked up in front of the motel, an impressive 10 minuets later. I met with Dean outside who was I. The impala.

"Hey, sammy, get in. I got all your stuff." Dean said through the open window.

I got in the car. "What happened, Dean?" I asked trying the fit my long body into the front comfortably.

"Like I said on the phone. I came back and she was gone." Dean said. I could tell he was trying his best not to freak out, although his facial expressions and body language were suggesting otherwise.

"And you have no idea where she is? She didn't leave a note or anything?" I said to Esme behind me.

"No" she squeaked.

"Oh come on, Esme! You jump out of a window, then we bring you back and you just give us the silent treatment! You said no thanks to me or dean. Not even Castiel. You make Cill feel like crap, then when she disappears you don't even make An effort to help." I shouted.

"Hey, sammy, why don't you lay off a little" dean interrupted.

"No dean! Our little sister attempted suicide and when we get her back from the dead, no even, when Cas is out there for weeks looking for her then gets beaten to shit when he is caught and then she is an ungrateful little bitch. Now your daughter is missing, probably because Esme made her feel like shit. Cill thinks that it's her fault that Esme jumped and her fault that Esme isnt talking. She is 16 Dean. She doesn't need that kind of crap!"

Deans POV

"She doesn't need that kind of crap!" Sam shouted. I could hear Esme crying in the back. I was so taken aback by Sam's outburst I didn't know what to say.

"Sam... That.... That was... Umm.... That wasn't necessary" I stuttered.

"Like hell it was dean, and you know it." He replied.

This was really out of character for Sam. He would never make Esme cry on purpose.

I had pulled the car over while Sam was shouting so I didn't crash from the shock. Then Esme got out onto the dirty track and started walking. Then Sam and I got out.

"So now your just going to run away?!" Sam called after her.

She stopped. Sam started to follow her. I was close behind. Sam was just about to turn her around when she punched him across the face and sent him crashing to the floor. I gasped In shock but I knew that he deserved it.

"Don't you DARE speak to me like that!" Esme shouted over him. " I didn't ask ANY of you to bring me back. I was the happiest I could ever remember. No demons or ghost or anything else that was going to kill me. I had a room to myself. I cooked my favourite food. I watched my favourite TV show. I visited dad. I visited my mum. I was having a perfect time. I didn't want to come back to this shitty place EVER AGAIN. Then Cas turned up. I told him I didn't want to go, but he said he couldn't disobey you. Which I said was bullshit. But he went and did it any way. So I didn't thank him because he is and asshole. Did you spare to think for one god damn second that maybe I had feelings and I didn't want to come back. But no! Just because I was some place where I was happy and wasnt trapped down here with you, you thought for me! I am sorry that Cill is gone, I will do what ever I can to get her back, but don't you DARE blame me Sam Winchester." She said before leaving Sam stunned on the floor as she walked back to the impala.

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