40. Early bird

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Esme POV:

I lay on my bed staring up at the ceiling. I could hear Cills faint snores from the chair opposite the door. I was sure that Tyler and bobby were still up talking. Sam and dean had gone to bed ages ago. I could feel my eyelids dropping as I struggled to stay awake. It felt like someone was watching me.

"Is that you cas?" I whispered into the darkness. I felt someone sit on the foot of my bed.

"Yes?" Cas' gruff voice replied.

" what you doing here?" I asked.

"I just came to see if you were okay" he said.

"By standing in the dark while I am sleeping." I replied.

" and I wanted to apologise for what happened up in heaven" he said solemly.

"Okay cas, apology accepted. I'm sorry for ignoring you, and I'm sorry for getting you beat up." I admitted.

"Your apology is accepted." Cas said awkwardly.

"Now are you gunna sit there or go and say hi to anyone else?" I asked.

"Well. I could go and say hello to dean" cas said.

"You go do that, I need to sleep" I said turfing him of the bed.

Cas left and went into my brothers room.


I didn't sleep at all but I still got up early and went downstairs to cool us all some breakfast but when I got to the kitchen Tyler was already at the stove.

"What are you doing up so early?" I asked making him jump.

"I am cooking everyone eggs, I have always been an early morning person." He answered.

I shrugged my shoulders and started to make everyone a coffee.

"So, what you doing up at bobbys?" I said.

"I had a few lore books to give to him. You know what he is like with his books" he chuckled grabbing some more eggs.

" how long have you known him?" I asked through a yawn.

"Oh, a very long time, me and bobby to way back! He has known me since I was a child. My family was killed by a vengeful spirit and bobby came to my rescue. I was put into care after that and bobby always came to visit me. I went through foster parents like you wouldn't believe. Finally I was old enough to get somewhere by my self and I already knew most of the supernatural lore from my stay at the care home. I went straight into hunting and I have been in touch with bobby every step of the way." He said putting the eggs on the table.

"Wow good for you, sticking at it," I said

"Well, I had to help protect other people against the things they don't know about. Like what bobby did for me. Anyway, do me a favour and get the others down here," he said beaming.

"Sure" I answered and plodded off to find the others.

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