34. Dependant

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Sam's POV

Two and a half weeks ago my little sister jumped out of a window and died.

It's all I can think about. She is lost. I could have saved her. If I was stronger and quicker I could have pulled her back In just in time.

It's been hell trying to keep Cill and Dean inside so they don't make a deal to bring her back.

Cill can't sleep and is craving human blood like crazy to help her deal with the loss, but there is no way dean and I are going to give her human blood.

Dean won't eat much, not even Pie and burgers. I can't tell he has lost lots of weight. Dean and Cill are both getting thiner and as much as I would like to force food down their throats, there is nothing I can do to make them eat.

Dean and I had to move Esme into the bath and we filled it with ice to preserve her body. Lets just say her room was starting to smell a bit funky.

Cas hasn't come back yet so I can only assume that he is still looking for her up in heaven.

And I am holding up as well as I can. I am trying to be strong for Cill and Dean. I have been taking care of them like a mother. When dean cries I give him tissues and comfort him. When Cill can't sleep I stay up with her and tell her stories of her Dad and hunt we have been on. When dean won't eat I try and cook him an amazing meal or I go out to the shops and buy him pie. When Cill is thirst I hunt animals for her and bring the blood back. They are both totally dependant on me. I feel like I am looking after two babies. But I don't mind being the one who does all the protecting and looking after. Dean always used to look after me and Esme, and sure I was mega protective over dean but I can't help feel like he loves me more and is more willing than me to die for his brother.

Castiel's POV

I was asking all around in heaven if they knew where Esme was. They all told me the same thing:

"I know that another Winchester has joined us, however I do not know where she is."

I just have to keep asking. I could ask my father but I don't know where he is at the moment either. Taking a vacation is my most possible guess.

Part of the reason as to why I was confined in heaven for so long was because the Angels were panicked by no God. I was burdened with the task of calming them and giving them the jobs that God usually hands out.

I feel that I am closer and closer to finding her. I just need to find the Angel who was on Escorting duty at the time of her death. The problem is, that there are at least 60,000 escorts on duty at any given time. So retrieving Esme may be harder than I thought.

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