7. Ouch

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Before I even opened my eyes I knew what had happened. The usual jazz of being kidnapped.

The air around me was really cold, I was shivering. The fact that it was late autumn not really helping. I was sitting on a chair and my hands were tied behind my back. My legs were tied to either front leg of the chair. I had gafatape on my mouth.

Then I opened my eyes. The room was so dark at first I couldn't see anything. Just pitch black. Then I adjusted to the light and saw a vast room. It was grubby and only had a few windows on the ceiling casting small slithers of dim light onto the floor.

I figured that I had been out for about two days. Bobby must be scared. I'm scared. I hate it when this happens. It only happened once before but the boys pulled me out fast.

I stretched my face a bit and I could hear dry blood crackling. I cringed a bit. Ewww I hate that sound.

Then a demon appeared in front of me. It snarled. Before I could say anything it punched me square in the face. "What the fuck?!?" I shouted. The demon ignored me. It carried on to randomly punch me and kick me until my face was covered in blood then it just dissapeard as randomly as it came.

Right, from now show no weakness. I thought.

About two hours later 2 more demons came. I looked up at them and spat on the floor by their feet. The woman demon slapped me straight away.

"Why do you want me assholes?" I said through gritted teeth. The male demon step forward. He had my dagger I his hand. Son of a bitch!!

"What do you know about your mothers death?" it snarled. I refused to talk. Besides I knew nothing anyway. I was so young when it happened I only remember fire.

The stupid threatened me with the knife the placed it on my thigh. "I'm going to ask again.... What do you know about your mothers death?!" I didn't speak. He plunged my dagger into my leg. I tried not to make a sound and pushed back the tears that were forming rapidly in my eyes. I bit my tongue so that I didn't scream.
"What do you know about Mary Winchester?!" The women demon said. I still didn't say anything. The knife twisted in my leg. Inside I was screaming but I made sure not to let it show on the outside.

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