33. Dont cry

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Pricilla's POV

It's been two days since Esme died.
Life has been like living in hell. Castiel hasn't found her yet, he said he will keep trying but I can see the doubt in his eyes.

It's because of me she is dead. I fell for that idiot, and that got me kidnapped. Esme warned me!! But I ignored her. I saw the bruise on her face!!

Dean walked out of Esme's room, tears staining his puffy cheeks.

Deans POV

I cleared my croaky throat and walked out of Esme's room, shutting the door gently behind me. Two days since her death, and I was not coping. I know that Cas is trying his best to find her up in heaven, but it's a big place up there. However, I have hope.

Cill was looking at me from across the room. Once she saw me looking at her she quickly diverted her vision.

"Why are you avoiding me, Cill?" I asked.

"I'm not" she said getting up and walking to the kitchen.

I quickly went after her and grabbed her arm. She winced and bared her fangs at me.

"What is it? Are you hurt?!" I said.

She just pulled her arm out of my grip.

"Just tell me Cill! What happened?!" I asked urgently.

"Nothing! I'm fine!" She replied.

"Why are you lying to me? I know when a Winchester lies! Stop putting up your defences and talk to me!" I said loudly.

"Not when you talk to me like that dean!" She emphasised calling me by my name and not dad.

"How are you supposed to stay with us when you won't talk about anything. For all I know you could be planning to kill us!" I said my voice gradually getting louder.

"You know what?! I'm done!" She shouted and walked into the kitchen and grabbed a beer.

Okay... I just made a big fatherly mistake. I went after her.

"Hey kiddo, throw me one of those" I said softening my voice. She chucked a beer my way. I caught it.

"I'm sorry, Cill, I didn't mean all that" I apolagised.

"I'm sorry too dad. It's just hard to get used to having a dad all of a sudden, I have never really shared my feelings, and now that..... This has happened." She said and sat next to me on the counter.

I put her arm on my lap and began to pull up her sleeve. She protested at first and tried to bring her hand away but eventually settled and let me look.

There were burn marks all the way up her arm.

"How did this happen?" I asked.

"I-I-I did it" she squeaked.

"You burnt your self?" I asked, tears dripping from my eyes. She hugged me and pulled her sleeve back down.

"Don't cry, it's hardly the first time" she whispered into my chest.

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