26. Sorted, I Guess...

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Esme POV

I covered the bruise with foundation and went on with life as if it never happened. The sad truth was that I was used to it. I don't want Pricilla to endure the same I did. But I CAN'T stop her. It's her choice. I have warned her. But Alex is irresistible. It was wrong for me to call him. I shouldn't have brought him back in our lives. Sam and Dean don't know about.... Well what happened when we were alone. And I intend for it to stay that way.


Thank god that peice of crap is gone.

I heard a flutter of wings. I turned around and the familiar trenchcoated man stood before me. I pulled him in for a man hug. "I missed you cas!" I laughed. "It's been a while!"
"Yes, trouble with the big man upstairs" he said awkwardly.
"Anyway what brings you back down here?" I asked.
"Her" cas said pointing at Cill who was standing in a doorway. Suddenly I heard the fast patter of little feet and a little body sprung on top of cas. He loosened up and hugged Esme back. Then Esme dismounted cas and stood in front of him and folded her arms.

"I have a bone to pick with you mister!" She said narrowing her eyes.
"Bone? What bone?" Cas said checking his vessel frantically. We all face palmed.
"It's an expression. Why didn't you heal me when I was injured and in hospital?" She asked. Good point.
"I was forbidden from leaving heaven. And I was in a situation where if I left I would t be allowed back in." He said. Esme thought about it for a second. "Fair enough" she said and patted him on the shoulder. "Where Is dean?" Cas asked.
"Dead" Esme answered. Cas cocked his head to the side.
"Gone to get food" I said. Cas nodded then walked over to Cill.
"This won't hurt a bit" he said then he placed to fingers to her head and she fell to the floor unconscious. I walked over and scooped her up an placed her on the couch.

"Why'd you do that?" I asked.
"I did a bit of fixing" cas smilled.
"Like how" Esme asked.
"She won't crave human blood anymore, or at least until this wears off!" Cas said looking very proud of himself.
"And how did you do that?" Esme asked.
"I'm an Angel. I am blessed with powers" cas explained.
"How long will it last?" I asked.
"I don't know" cas frowned.
"We'll at least it's something guys!!" Esme said.
Yeah. At least it something.

When dean got back we explained the whole thing.
When Cill woke up we explained the whole thing again.
When Esme could be bothered she explained the whole thing to Alex.
We were all pretty chuffed.
Esme had a beer.
I had a beer.
Dean had a beer.
Cill had a beer.
We were pretty chilled out.
Just the family, for once all together. My brother, sister, niece and angel. All together. laughing and drinking.

But things seem a little too peachy for the Winchesters.

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