15. The father I never had

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Esme POV

I bit my lip and furrowed my eyebrows. Does Sam not trust me?! After everything! My hands were in tight fists.

"Hey, loosen up kido, it's not the end of the world." Bobby said.
"Yet" I added. I laughed and he chuckled. I pulled the front of his cap down over his eyes. "Ya idjit!" I mimicked.
He started to tickle me and chase me around the junk yard.

Finally we collapsed in a heap on the ground. Bobby pulled me up onto his lap and I hugged him as we both gathered our breathe. Bobby was definitely the father that I never had. Even now that dad was gone we didn't need him back. We were better off without his dictatorship and insensitivity. I hated him for the way he treated my brothers and I. He seemed so nice and kind on the day that he took me in, soon I saw the real him.

"What's up, sweetheart?" Bobby asked. I pulled my head out from his musty jacket. "I don't really know what's going on, bobby, dads gone and sams going crazy" I said. Bobby just chuckled.
"Sam isn't going crazy, and your dad isn't worth worrying about, that's not all of it though is it, kiddo." He said wiggling his eyebrows at me. I stuck my tongue out in defeat.
"When I was with the demons, something happened." I started. Bobby nodded and gestured for me to carry on. I told bobby all about the pain in my head and seeing Sam, and about how it wasn't normal. I told him about all the questions they asked me and how they discarded me when they weren't getting answers.

After I finished I was in tears, bobby held me tight and brought me back inside, in his arms bridal style sobbing into his chest. As soon as we entered the house Sam and dean were interrupted in their manly moment and they both ran over to bobby and I.

Dean took me out of bobby's arms while he relayed everything I told him to Sam and dean. Dean was stroking my hair and shushing my cries. I hugged him tight and soon my sobs stopped and I fell silent. I closed my eyes.

Dean was climbing the stairs with me still in his arms. He placed me in my bed and pulled the covers over me and tucked me in. "You need to get some rest, pumpkin" he whispered. I nodded and hugged him. "I love you dean" I whispered back. "I love you too, hun" he said kissing my forehead. He stayed at the foot of my bed until I fell asleep. He was probably a while after as well. That's dean for you.

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