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When it comes to your first love, it usually hurts more than you think

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When it comes to your first love, it usually hurts more than you think.

If you've never been in love, that's not my problem.

But the fact is, if you get dumped by your boyfriend, who you dated for a whole year, it hurts. It hurts more when you find out the fact that he was bored with you.

The current situation of Choi Jisu was that. She dated this untouchable boy, Han Renjun who broke her heart.

They dated the entire senior year, well, he was in the freshmen year. And the break-up was too painful.

But right now, Choi Jisu was more focused to get to her new dorm. She didn't know who her dorm mates were, but she hoped that they would be, a bit nice. If it's her friends, that will be an Oscar award for her.

She was already assigned a dorm room and was walking towards it. Sliding the door open softly, she took off her shoes, dragging her two big suitcases in.

She scanned the place until she heard two girls, too familiar voices. They walked out as Jisu gasped.

"Yujin and Yunjun!" She screamed, along with the girls, as they hugged each other and started to jump.

"Oh my gosh! Jiji! I never thought we'll be dorm mates." Yunjin exclaimed, pulling out of the hug as they smiled at each other.

"I guess all of us got on with our high school friends. Hanni got on with Karina and Ningning" Yujin stated as Yunjin dragged her suitcases in.

"What do you have in here? Atom bombs?" Yunjin groaned, dropping them on the living room floor.

"I'm happy that I'm living with the indistinguishable Jin's" Jisu smirked as both the girls groaned.

Well, one's Ahn Yujin and another one's Huh Yunjin. They both have 'Jin' at the end of their names, one had 'Yu' another has 'Yun'. So, during high school, the girls used to tease the hell out of these two girls because of this.

"There's still two days until the college" Yunjin stated. "And, the guys asked us to go to the club tonight" She finished as the three slumped on the couch.

"Who's gonna be there?" Jisu asked as Yujin threw her a water bottle.

"Us, means you, me and her," Points at Yunjin "Ningning, Karina, Hanni, Jay, Jake, Sunghoon, Heeseung" She finished as Jisu finished drinking and placed the half bottle on the center tea table.

"Are you certain, he'll-"

"No he won't" Yunjin cuts her off with a sigh. "You've to admit it, Jiji. Renjun is a fucking asshole that doesn't deserve you"

"That jerk deserves to rot in hell" Yujin joined Yunjin as Jisu giggled.

"Okay, I'm already trying to get over him. And I will, don't worry" She stated as the other two girls smiled at her.

"Alright girlie, we need to get dressed and," Yujin points at a closed door, "that's your room" She smiled as they shoved Jisu's suitcases in the room with her and shut the door behind her, a giggled falling off their lips.

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