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A week went by swiftly

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A week went by swiftly. Their friends group believed their relationship so much that they started to gush over them. Especially, Ningning and Karina.

If Yunjin and Yujin didn't know about this setting, they too would've gushed over them. But Hanni on the other hand was so happy.
You can tell that she's like those innocent bunnies which got happy or blushed in bare minimum.

And on this side, Jisu was distressed. All these girls on the campus came up to her and asked if she's really dating Jake or how cute they looked together.

And simultaneously, Jake and Renjun started to hit off in a bad way. Renjun would never speak to Jake normally after that confession session they had a week ago.

Both Jake and Jisu knew that everything was going smoothly. But will we call it a life if there's no hole in a plain road?

It was the end of the day as Jake was waiting for Jisu in his car. Soon, she got inside the car, closing the door shut.

"I'm-no, sorry. We're so doomed" Jisu said urgently, as Jake looked at her confused.

"What's wrong, butterfly?" He asked, concern latching in his tone. She secured the seat belt in the hook and brushed off her hair from her face.

"My mom came back from Canada yesterday. She's saying that I should make my boyfriend meet her. And she's too, like you know, close with the girls and Jay, so she'll probably blow off our cover" She sighed, looking at Jake for his reaction.

The man just smiled as he secured his sear belt. He looked far too calm for Jisu, who was freaking out.

"When is she expecting us?" Jake asked as Jisu's eyes widened and jaw dropped.

"You'll meet her?" Jisu gasped, looking at Jake as he nodded.

"If we can, we can meet her now" She said ask Jake gave her, his infamous eye smile and started to drive.

The drive was of 45 minutes as Jisu kept on giving Jake the directions and occasionally both of the swayed their head on the track, playing on the radio.

"By the way, have you finished reading King of Pride?" Jisu asked, as Jake glanced at her and then, looked back at the road.

"Just finished it today" He answered as Jisu took out a book out of her bag.

Ignite me by tahereh Mafi.

"Never thought that you'll be a bookworm too" Jake smiled as he looked at the book which, Jisu kept back in her bag.

"Don't judge a book by its cover" Jake chuckled at Jisu's words. He said the exact thing that day, in the café. And she's saying that back. "We're here. Another thing" She started as Jake stopped the car, unbuckling the seat belt.

"An aunt is gonna be here. You know, mom's mutual friend. Just saying" She stated as he nodded, getting out of the car as he opened the car door for her.

To everyone on the campus, Jisu belonged from an average family. But they didn't know that she was from one of the richest families in Seoul. But Jake and Jay were richer than the Choi family.

They house was big and modest. Few plants by the driveway and big ones behind the house. The house was of two storeys.

Jisu and Jake were greeted by a maid as they walked inside. A collective gasps were heard as they turned to look at the main lounge area.

"Mom?" Jake asked, baffled.
"Mom? Wait, no. Aunt Miyeon is your mom?" Jisu blinked a few timed, registering the current situation.

"It was funny to see our kids, dating each other. It was, destiny" Jisu's mom, Minju exclaimed.

There's the thing, Minju, Jisu's mom and Miyeon, Jake's mom were childhood friends. Both Jake and Jisu knew each other's mom, but never knew each other.

"How's it, dating each other?" Miyeon asked as both Jake and Jisu sighed.

It's gonna be a long conversation.

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