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'Sim Jaeyun is dating a fresher'

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'Sim Jaeyun is dating a fresher'

The news spread like wildfire around the campus. Jisu felt a little uncomfortable, getting all the glances in the corridors.

But what bothered her more was this sudden flirty behavior of Jake. He was someone, who's unapproachable. Scholar who never had a girlfriend and, untouchable.

And him, calling her nicknames and acting flirty, surely shook Jisu but, Yujin and Yunjin almost had a heart attack, seeing Jake's drastic change.

But Jisu told herself that, it was just an act, nothing else. They weren't supposed to fall for each other, as it's simply a contract.

Suddenly, Jake came near her and slid his hand around her and squeezed it, which snapped Jisu out of her daze. They took steps towards the cafeteria as they spotted their group, huddled around in one table.

Karina and Hanni notices them and wave a hand at them. To which, both Jake and Jisu started to walk towards them. The whole group froze as they approached them. Jake asked Sunghoon to scoot a little as he sat beside him with Jisu and Yunjin was sitting next to her.

Taking a quick scan, they saw Sooji on Renjun's lap. But Jisu didn't give a damn but met eyes with Heeseung who looked at them, suspiciously.

"Fish in the air" He stated, looking or more like piercing Jake's and Jisu's soul with his gaze.

"Why is it floating?" Jisu asked, faking innocence.

Jake was silent all along. He slowly wrapped his strong arm around her waist and pulled her closer to him. Yunjin noticed that and poked Jisu on her knee, as Jisu poked her back.

"Number one, we saw you getting out of Jake's car, and he placed a fucking kiss on your forehead" Jay noted, sipping on his drink.

"Secondly, holding hands to class" Heeseung added, looking at the two.

"Thirdly, Jake's smiling too much, which isn't like him" Sunghoon finished as Karina chuckled.

"It's a great theory you got there, buddy" Ningning patted Jay's back, thinking that the boys were joking around.

Hanni blinked a few times, looking at the expression of the three boys. "I don't think they're joking" She said.

"It's not! Not, at least this time!" Sunghoon argued, happy that Hanni agreed.

"Does that mean-" Karina's eyes widen.

"That they are dating!" Yujin gasped. Her acting was too believable.

"What?" Collective gasps left their mouth as Jisu tried, so hard, not to laugh out loud.

But Jake watched Renjun who looked extremely baffled. He never thought that his best friend would date his ex.

"They fucking are! Look at Jake's fucking arm around her." Sunghoon almost shouted, over dramatically.

"Guys-" Jisu was cut off by Jake, pulled her hand up to his lips and kissing it.

"It's fine butterfly. They know it now, or else they'd snack on our brain" Jake smiled at her as Ningning banged her hand on the table. That caused Sooji to flinch on Renjun's lap.

The most quiet one was Hanni, who had a pretty smile on her face, seeing one of her best friends in a lovely relationship.

Yunjin and Yujin should burst her bubble.

"They guys are right. We're dating" Jake said, pulling Jisu into a side hug as the group started to mutter out stuff.

"For how long?" Yunjin asked as Jisu smiled.

"A week" Both Jake and Jisu spoke at the same time as they started to create chaos in the table.

Jisu leaned her head on Jake's chest as they were, either debating, arguing or cussing. Her eyes fell on her ex, whose face was slightly red, and his veins were popping out on his forehead.

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