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This was unexpected

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This was unexpected.

It was the first day of college, first day of freshmen year for Jisu, Yujin, Yunjin, Hanni, Karina, and Ningning. Sophomore year for Jay, Jake, Sunghoon and Renjun. Junior year for Heeseung.

Yujin, Yunjin and Jisu walked out of their dorm, just to see a black McLaren, standing outside with, a familiar blond guy, leaning against it.

It was Jake.

He had a denim jacket on and denim jeans with Prada formal dress shoes and black sunglasses. Everything about him screamed rich as Yujin and Yunjin's jaws dropped open.

They never expected that Jake, The Sim Jaeyun will come to pick up their best friend, even if they're fake dating.

"Oh you're here?" Jisu spoke, making Jake look up. He had a charming smile on his lips as he nodded.

"I came just now" Yujin and Yunjin gushed over him.

"You guys look so cute!" Yunjin squealed, pushing Jisu towards him.

"Have a great time, lovebirds" Yujin waved, walking away and getting into her car with Yunjin.

Jisu blinked a few times in disbelief as she looked up at Jake. "They definitely woke up on the wrong side of the bed" She stated, making Jake chuckle a bit. He ruffled her hair and opened the car door for her.

Renjun never once held the door open for her.

She smiled and spoke out a small 'thank you' and got inside the car as Jake shut the door and jogged towards the other side and got into the driver's seat. He started driving.

It wasn't an awkward silence. Both of them felt comfortable and peace with each other. That's until Jisu spoke.

"Well, you never told me why you agreed to the contract" She stated, looking at Jake as a smirk, played on his lips.

"Why butterfly? Are you curious?"

Jisu's eyes almost popped out at the nickname he gave her. No one gave her a nickname, except for 'Jiji' which is her world-famous nickname, given by Hanni. But butterfly, princess? Never.

"I am. Never have I thought that, the Sim Jaeyun will agree with my proposal" She stated, trying to hide the blush on her cheeks.

"Well, you see, the girls on the campus are a pain in the butt. They're always asking me out, which is fairly annoying. And if they see that I have a girlfriend, who's as pretty as you, they'll stop bothering me" Jake said, glancing at Jisu then smirking. He turned back to face the road.

Jisu was as red as a tomato. The blood rushed to her cheeks, burning them.

The car comes to halt, indicating that they've reached their destination.

Sure as hell, the girls on the campus would go bonkers after seeing Jake, coming out of his car with a girl. Jisu tried to open the car door but, was stopped by Jake.

He walked out of the car and towards her side and opened the door for her. He extended a hand towards her, as she smiled and grabbed it, getting out of the car.

"You're sure as hell a gentleman, Sim" She teased as he swiftly shut the car door. He crouched down to her lever to meet her height and smiled at her.

"I am. Does that make you flustered?" He tilts his head, innocently, as he placed a kiss on her forehead.

"You're flirting with me" Jisu stated with a done tone, trying to hide how flustered he made her feel.

Nerds are the biggest freaks.

The reminder crawled up to her head as Jake smiled. "I'm doing it with my girlfriend" Jisu blinks a few times, registering what he just said.

"Fake girlfriend" She stated nonchalantly as Jake brought his hands near her hand and squeezed it a little.

"No one needs to know" He said, kissing her cheek and pulling her out of the parking lot.

"Before you lash out, Heeseung, Jay and Sunghoon were looking at our way" Jake stated as they reached the entrance.

"But, do you know where the literature classroom is?" She asked as they stopped by their lockers. Coincidentally, their lockers were next to each other.

"It's on the third floor. There are multiple rooms there, so you can check it out. And all the classes of the literature department and the architecture department in this building by itself" He explained as Jisu blinked.

"Right, you're in the architecture department" She took out some notebooks, along with her pen pouch and shoved it in her book bag as Jake did the same.

He turned towards her and ruffled her hair. "See you later, butterfly" With that, he flew away to his class, leaving Jisu who was completely baffled.

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