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Jake needed to talk to Jisu

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Jake needed to talk to Jisu.

So, when Jisu was about to sit with the others in the cafeteria, Jake hijacked her, unbothered.

Jisu was baffled and let herself get dragged out by Jake to the rooftop, where no one else was there.

"Kidnapping someone in the daylight. Aren't you getting too fearless, Sim?" Jisu smirked as Jake chuckled softly.

"I'm moving out of the dorm" That one sentence made Jisu froze. "Renjun is being too much and is picking a fight with me for no god-damned reason. He literally made a mess and was refusing to clean up. He's intentionally doing all of this" Jake ranted.

Jisu looked down at her hands and twisted the ring on her index finger. "I'm sorry. For me, your friend-"

"It's not you" Jake stated firmly, grabbing Jisu's shoulder as she widened her eyes slightly and looked at him. "You did nothing wrong. Remember that" A small smile appeared on Jisu's face.

"But why did you call me up?" She asked as Jake sighed.

"Right. I was going to ask you if, you wanted to maybe help me out? The other guys ditched on me and Heeseung is too pissed" Jisu blinked, looking at Jake as she nodded but saw a little change in Jake's face.

"Hey, why do you look a little pale?" She pointed out as Jake shrugged.

"I am always like this" He stated. "And I mentioned it because, can you please help me out? I asked the other guys, but they ditched me. Especially Heeseung because he literally kicked me out of his house" Jake ranted out as Jisu nodded.

"I'll be a good girlfriend and help you out. But I knew how Heeseung would react and from his perspective, I'd be pissed as well. Anyways, let's go, I'm hungry" Jisu pouted at the end, rubbing her tummy cutely as Jake held her hand and dragged her back to the cafeteria.

"Aww, lovebirds, where are you coming from?" Karina teased as both Jake and Jisu took a seat.

"Aww look, Jisu is blushing" Jay coo-ed making Jisu snort.

"I applied a little too much of blush today" She defended herself as Ningning scoffed.

"Like we don't know"

"Hey! Just let them eat, idiots" Yunjin hissed, giving Jisu a small smile.

But soon after, as the classes ended for Jisu and Jake as he drove both of them to his dorm.

Upon arriving, the whole dorm was calm as Jake led Jisu inside.

"It's my second time here" She stated, looking around. Some places were a mess. Empty beer cans on the table, chips on the couch. A bad smell engulfed the entire living room. It was a complete mess.

"Last time you came here was on Renjun's birthday, right?" Jake asked, opening a room door as Jisu nodded.

She entered the room as the familiar smell of woods and manliness hit her nose.

Jake's room.

It was a medium-sized bedroom with a small desk on the side and a small bed on a corner. He even had a bookshelf which was empty and beside it were a few more shelves with drawers.

"I've packed up everything, we just have to carry those out to the car" He pointed at the boxes on the bed as she nodded.

"Don't you, like, have too many things?" She looked at Jake, pointing at those boxes.

He understood what she was trying to say. He had only four boxes there and a small black duffle bag by a corner. Furthermore, he smiled.

"It's because I have most of my clothes back in my apartment. I usually go there once a week to clean up and take some clothes here" Jisu made an 'O' face and nodded, stacking up two boxes, picking it up.

"Let's go" Jake did the same, but he took the duffle bag up, around his shoulder and picked those boxes up and walked out of the door.

"Moving out, I see" The tone was too sarcastic as they turned to see Renjun on the couch.

Jake didn't reply anything and gestured Jisu to walk.

"That's sad, you know? I'll miss you" Before he could speak more, Jake slammed the front door shut.

But Jake knew better than anyone. He wasn't moving out because of the mess Renjun was making, but because of the words he said about Jisu that day.

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