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It was definitely Yujin and Yunjin

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It was definitely Yujin and Yunjin.

Jisu looked in front of her to see the restaurant. The one she came with her parents for the first time on their wedding anniversary before they moved to America, leaving her alone. And, it was also one of the top restaurants in Seoul.

Her eye's started to sparkle up which, didn't go unnoticed by Jake. He chuckled softly as he guided her inside the main lounge and after asking, they went to the reserved table.

Jake smiled at Jisu's awestruck state. "I asked the other two about your favorite restaurant. They told me that this is your favorite restaurant, and you haven't come here for over a few years"

"Four years, actually. I came here with mom and dad before they moved to America for business" A small smile escaped her lips.

Jake called out a waiter as both gave their orders. After the arrival of the food, they ate silently together, enjoying the soft music in the background. Soon after, as they were done, Jake drove both of them to the Han river.

"It was a pretty cool date" Jisu uttered out, looking at Jake as he smiled. "But I still can't believe that you never had a girlfriend"

She teased him in the end as he chuckled. "You just gotta be a gentleman, not an ass" He stated as Jisu slightly giggled at his statement. Both of them knew that he was referring to Renjun.

Both of them stopped and admired the river, which reflected the full moon perfectly.

Jisu felt something drop around her shoulders. She turned to see Jake took off his suite jacket and draped it over her.

She smiled at his thoughtfulness but again, wasn't she supposed to get away from him and not fall for him, harder?

She smiled at his thoughtfulness but again, wasn't she supposed to get away from him and not fall for him, harder?

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