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The strong smell of alcohol, fluttered in their noses as they walked inside the bar

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The strong smell of alcohol, fluttered in their noses as they walked inside the bar.

Yunjin practically dragged Yujin and Jisu inside when she spotted their friends group. They were already chugging on their drinks as the three girls approached.

"Ah! The best girls are here!" Jay exclaimed, handing out 3 vodka shots to the girls who just joined them.

"So, are you saying that we're annoying?" Karina glared at Jay as he just shrugged.

"See, except for Jisu, Yujin and Hanni, none of you are normal" Heeseung stated, as a matter of fact, drinking his whiskey.

"Dude I'm offended!" Yunjin smacks his arm as he hissed. "I'm two years older than you! You should respect me!" Heeseung screeched. His voice was really audible through the loud music, blaring through the speakers.

"I'm genuinely sorry, Grandpa" Yunjin mocked as Heeseung sighed out of annoyance.

Jisu sat herself on the barstool, along with Yunjin and Yujin as they ordered some drinks. For a certain moment, Jisu's eyes got caught with this particular Aussies boy.


She smiled and nodded at him as he returned the same gesture, before turning to Ningning who was suddenly whining.

"You know, it's so shit that we're in college!" She exclaimed as Jisu, Yujin and Hanni scoffed in disbelief.

"Weren't you crying a few months back because you wanted High school to end?" Sunghoon mocked playfully as Ningning sent daggers towards him.

"Speaking of crying, how are you Jisu?" Heeseung asked as Karina jumped off her stool and gave a tight smack on the back of Heeseung's head. He whined, rubbing the spot as Karina sat back in her seat, gulping down her vodka from the shot glass.

"You literally poured salt on her drying wound, asshole" Sunghoon slapped Heeseung's back as he raised his hand in surrender.

"Don't worry. I'm fine and doing way better from last month" Jisu offered as smile as Heeseung smirked.

"I told you, be my girlfriend instead. I would've treated the way better than that son of a bitch" Sunghoon grudged, drinking the scotch as Jake sighed.

"He's really an asshole. He might act all smart-ass and shit, but he's just, an idiot" He said, gulping down the scotch in his glass in one go as he ordered for another one.

Jisu was about to say something but stopped when she saw an awfully familiar physique, pacing towards them with a girl.

Others stopped their bickering and looked at the boy who stood in front of them.

Han Renjun.

The boy who broke Jisu's heart and left her numb. The same boy who said that he was bored with her. He had a girl by his side who was clinging to him.

However, Jisu's face remained stoic, but fists clenching at her side. He had this beautiful, innocent face for when she fell, despite warnings from Heeseung, Jay and Sunghoon. Maybe, if she had talked to Jake, Renjun's best friend who, he shared a dorm with, wouldn't have led things too face.

The girl beside him was annoying the whole friends group. She was giggling, her hands all over Renjun.

Hanni poked Jisu on her side and slowly, entangled their hands together, just to make hr know that they were here, for her.

On the other hand, Yunjin, Heeseung and Jay looked disgusted. They didn't even try to hide it. The others threw him a glare but Jake, was disappointed.

His lips twitched, dissatisfied. He was never ever unhappy with his best friend, but now, his actions are telling him the opposite.

"Hey guys" Previously, his voice used to give Jisu butterflies, but now she felt nothing. "Meet my girlfriend" He motioned the girl to speak.

From her left side, she could already sense that Yunjin had turned her body sideways and is, making gagging noises. She hated fake people, and that girl's behavior explained everything.

If Yunjin throws up right now, it's that clingy girl's fault.

"Hey guys!" She exclaimed in a whiny tone with made Hanni, who was sitting next to Jisu, scoff. "I'm Sooji"

Multiple snorts and few coughed up laughs emitted from them during her introduction. Including, Jisu. She tried hard to not let out any sound, but she snorted.

This current situation explained everything. This girl, Sooji, wasn't welcomed here.

No matter how he dumped her over a five-minute phone call, he checked Jisu out. Karina and Sunghoon saw that as they came forward, but Renjun simply walked away with his new girlfriend, waving a small 'bye'.

Jisu didn't wasted the time to drink her third shot. They all did. Even though they were a group, the actions of Renjun had been pissing everyone off.

"Jisu" Yujin spoke out.

"I'm completely fine Yu" She offered a smile which didn't reach up to her eyes.

She wasn't jealous of that clingy girl, but her mind was messed up.

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