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Jisu looked at herself in the mirror as a sigh left her mouth

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Jisu looked at herself in the mirror as a sigh left her mouth. As for Yunjin and Yujin, they were awed by Jisu's beauty.

But Jisu was determined to not stare at Jake and make in body contact or eye contact and get rid of the little feeling she had for Jake.

But they say that, determination always doesn't work.

In fact, she fell for Jake even more after seeing him in a white suite with opened buttons and his hair done neatly.

"You look... Heavenly" Jake spoke out, eyeing the girl in her completely white outfit.

She blinked a few times as Jake handed her a bouquet of white and pink roses.

Roses were common. However, Jisu loved them, especially white and pink once.

"I asked Yujin about your favorite flowers" Jake stated, making Jisu go nuts.

Her heartbeat was going crazy as she took slow and steady breaths to calm herself down.

"Thanks. You look great too. Now let's go" She stammered as Jake opened the car door for her as she got in.

The drive was silent. Nobody exchanged any words until Jisu decided to break it.

"Where are we actually going?" She asked, looking at the palm of her hand and playing with the band on her index finger.

"I told you that it's a surprise, didn't I princess?" Jake asked as Jisu shut her eyes close for a second before opening them.

"What's with your fascination with nicknames? Every so often it's butterfly, then it's princess" She asked as a small blush spread across Jake's face which went unnoticed, due to the darkness of the car.

"I just, like calling you those. No reason in specific" Jake explained as he focused back on the road.

Only if someone could tell, they were reciprocating feeling but, due to the contract, they've to hide it from each other.

"By the way, I wanted to ask you something" Jake stated, looking at Jisu as the car stopped at the red light.


"Can I, like, say Heeseung about our dating thing?" Jake asked as Jisu kind of narrowed her eyes at him.

"I know it's sudden and weird, but like, he would understand as he's the oldest. And if I wanted to speak about it to Jay or Hoon, they'll definitely make a big deal out of it" He explained it calmly but knew that his words held more profound meaning.

"Okay, I guess?" Jisu sure was dumbfounded but Jake never asked anything, in return for this relationship, except for the shooing away of girls, so, she agreed.

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