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The atmosphere was tense as the two figures entered the apartment

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The atmosphere was tense as the two figures entered the apartment.

"Are you gonna say?" Jake asked, looking at Jisu as she faced the big bookshelf.

"Say what?" She asked, pretending to read the titles of the books.

"Gosh! Why the hell were you avoiding me?" Jake asked in a slight pissed tone as Jisu looked at him.

"I wasn't avoiding you" She spoke in a monotone.


"Fine. Yes, I was avoiding you" Jisu stated annoyed as she made an eye contact with him. "I hate that I always think of you. I hate the way you make me feel. I hate how my heart flutters when you're with me, calling me butterfly or princess. I hate-"

Before she could speak any further, Jake grabbed her jaw and pressed his lips firmly against hers. All the words Jisu was blabbering earlier, creased as Jake devoured her lips.

He parted, looking at her.

"We need to break off the contract, and I'm leaving for Australia tomorrow" His words hit Jisu straight on her heart as she looked at him, perplexed.

"I understand about the contract because Renjun regrets and came to realization but, Australia?" Jisu asked as her voice slightly cracked.

"Mom called. I've to finish the rest of my college semesters in Australia. It's not in my hands, butterfly" He spoke softly as he creased her cheeks. Jisu looked heart broken.

"Are you really leaving?"

"Yes" Jake sighed, pulling some strands of her hair, behind her ear. "As much as I hate it, I have to"

"Why do you hate it? Except for your friends, there's nothing you'll be leaving behind" She stated.

'For you. I don't wanna leave for you'.

Jake wanted to say this but stopped.

"I'll drive you back to your dorm" He stated, parting from her.

"Alright. But when is your flight tomorrow?" She asked, looking down at her legs.



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