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Shattered hearts were all it was left

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Shattered hearts were all it was left.

A tear slipped from Jake's eyes as he boarded the flight as Jisu controlled herself from breaking down, again.

"It wasn't meant to be"

His words stabbed on her heart and she was finding it hard to breathe.

Didn't they share a kiss last night? Desperate, passionate. But it all ended up, like this?

She drove back to her dorm as she saw Yunjin and Yujin standing there, their faces expressing deep remorse for Jisu.

"H-he left" Jisu couldn't hold back her tears as she let it fall. Yunjin and Yujin huddled around her, and Yujin hugged her and Yunjin patted her back.

"I love him. He knew and he still left. He knew I wasn't into Renjun anymore but..." She trailed off, sobbing hard.

"Did he leave like-"

"Forever. There isn't any chance for him to come back" She sobbed more as the door of their dorm flew open as two male figures walked in.

"Ji" It was Beomgyu who called out as Jisu looked at him. Yunjin and Yujin parted from her as she hugged Beomgyu and sobbed on his shoulder.

"He said it wasn't meant to be from the beginning" She stated, her voice broke as the sight of his sister like this made Beomgyu's heart clench.

"Hee" Beomgyu called the male out as he looked at the other. "You never mentioned that Jisu fell for him" He stated, calming the sobbing girl in his embrace.

"He abruptly went away." Heeseung stated. "His mother knew that they were dating and was okay with it but, I don't know what actually happened" He explained as Beomgyu sighed.

This was the first time that Beomgyu and Yunjin were in a same room but weren't bickering. It was all because of the girl, sobbing in Beomgyu's arms.

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