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One look and Jisu knew she was done for good

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One look and Jisu knew she was done for good.

She was drinking her vodka shots in the bar as Jake walked inside with his charming aura.

His tailored suit fit perfectly on his body, making him look breathtaking.

But before he could spot her, she quickly turned around to avoid being seen by him.

Maybe, whatever she wrote the last night was out of grieve? But her writings and her personal life had nothing to do with each other.

She asked for another shot and gulped down the previous shot, burning her throat.

From her peripheral vision, she saw Jake sitting on one of the barstool's, far away from her, as she sighed.

However, soon enough, a girl came towards her and started to give him flirty remarks.

If I say Jake was disgusting will be an understatement. He looked at the women, clearly displeased with her clingy behavior, as he looked at the corner.

That's when their eyes met.

Jake widened his eyes, but they couldn't hold their eye contact because the girl grabbed Jake's cheek and made him look at her.

That sight was enough for Jisu to gulp down her last shot before paying the bartender and walking towards the washroom.

After getting rid of that girl, Jake turned to see that Jisu vanished into thin air.

He wasn't getting any hallucinations, nor was he drunk. He quickly stood up and thought to look at the washroom as he made his way there.

Furthermore, he spotted her walking out of the female washroom.

She spotted him too and was about to walk inside the washroom again as he held her hand.

“Don't do this to me” He pleaded as Jisu snapped her head at him.

“This? If you are acting like this, why did you reject me earlier, Mr. Sim?” She asked with a hint of ridicule.

Jake sighed and rubbed his hand on his face. Then abruptly pulled her towards the nearest wall and pinned her against it. “I do like you. It's just, I was a coward to admit it”.

Jisu blinked at him, baffled by his sudden action and words.

“And I would rather not let you go again” He stated, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear.

“Then chase me. Hold on to be before I go beyond your grasp that you'll never catch me again”.

 Hold on to be before I go beyond your grasp that you'll never catch me again”

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