Chapter 09: No More Cry

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February 2015

Your eyes were puffy when you woke up the next morning. You still felt sorry for yourself, but at least the tears had finally dried up. You showered and changed your clothes. And by the time you were ready to face the day again, it was eleven. You decided to pass by Charlie's room and see if she needed anything.

Carrying your plate from the toastie the night before, you knocked on door number 15. "Charlie, it's me..."

"Yeah?" She called out from behind the wooden door.

You poked your head around the corner and looked over to see her sitting on the bed again. "Morning... I know it's possibly a little late but I'm going to the mess room to get some coffee... You want anything?"

"Coffee would be amazing! Thanks!" She replied cheerily. Who were you kidding. The promise of caffeine would cheer up anyone.

"Are you like the boys and have it black or do you want some milk or sugar?" You confirmed with her before heading off to make them.

When you arrived in the mess room, both men were there. Dean had his back to the door at the table, a coffee in hand. He must've slept in too. Odd for him, but you tried not to care. Sam was sitting opposite him on his laptop. No doubt checking for any new cases.

"Hey Glowworm." Sam looked up from the laptop. "You missed our run this morning. You feeling okay?"

Standing at the coffee machine busying yourself with preparing two cups, you glanced over and replied. "Yeah... Sorry just stayed up late binge watching the Big Bang Theory..."

Sam made a small snort. "Really? You watch that show?"

"Um... Sometimes. It's one of those shows you can watch in any order..." You finished the coffees. "I'll make sure I join you tomorrow... I'm just going to take this to Charlie..."

"You're not going to eat anything? You just woke up right?" Sam asked concerned.

Shut up Sam. Just let me go... "I'm not that hungry... I'll just wait and have a bigger lunch..." You looked over to him and tried to smile reassuringly before leaving to take Charlie her coffee.

When you arrived back at door number 15, you knocked before entering. Not waiting for Charlie to reply. "Hey... Here you go..."

You shut the door behind you and walked over to her to hand her the hot beverage. Sitting down at the end of her bed you looked up during a sip of your own coffee and asked. "How're you feeling today?"

Between sipping her own, Charlie nodded at you and replied. "Good... I'll probably head off tomorrow or the day after."

"You sure you're up to it?" You asked a little concerned. But honestly it was more because you were selfish and didn't want her to go. Charlie was pretty much your replacement to Dean.

"Yeah... Can't stay here moping around forever. I want to try and get back to Dorothy and Oz if I can..." She replied looking at you closely. "Did you get much sleep last night? You just got up when you came here before right?"

You nodded your head. "I stayed up late last night, binge watching... Sam was disappointed I missed our morning run..." You tried your best to bring on a small chuckle.

Charlie was still watching you intently. She seemed to read right through you because she cautiously brought up the dreaded subject you did not want to talk about. "Dean stopped by last night... After you brought me my sandwich..."

"Good..." You said forcibly. "So he should. He asked me how you were doing and I told him to go see you himself..."

"Well he listened... We talked for a bit. He feels guilty for what happened. You know, usual Dean never forgiving himself crap..." You nodded. Sure sounded like him. But then Charlie looked at you slyly again. "He asked how you were doing too..." She informed you.

 Abducted: Part Two (SPN | Dean x Reader | Slow Burn)Where stories live. Discover now