Chapter 40: It Started And Ended With Charlie

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May 2015

Dean got you settled in the room shortly after your shoulder was popped back into place. He helped you to remove your tattered shirt and bra, before getting you dressed into one of his shirts and a pair of track pants. He also tucked you into bed with some water, pain killers and your laptop. Finally promising you he'd be back as soon as he and Sam had dealt with Eldon.

To lift your spirits, you opted to watch a classic Disney movie, hoping you might fall asleep to it.  Any attempt to get comfortable however, was a waste of time and energy. It didn't matter what position you lay or sat in, the swelling bothered you still and a dull ache stayed even after taking the meds Dean had given you.

As the first movie ended, and you were still wide awake, you pressed play on the next one that was recommended to you by the streaming site you were using.

About halfway through the second movie, you heard Dean's voice yelling from somewhere down the hall. It was clear he was angry but the exact words he was using were inaudible. Whether he was projecting onto Sam or Eldon in the dungeon, neither man was giving anything back in return. At least you couldn't hear them over Dean.

You hit the pause button via the laptop keyboard, and got up off the bed to go investigate. Once it became clear who Dean was shouting at, you would make the decision to either return to the room or attempt to calm him down. At least if it was Sam being berated, that was.

Out in the hall now, you heard him yell Charlie's name, clear as day from the general direction of the war room and library and your heart skipped a beat. Did he know about the book? Why else would he call out her name so angrily?

You made quick work of walking down the hall, arriving at the door to the war room as you heard Sam speak up for the first time. "Charlie, where are you?" He asked urgently. After a brief pause he then stated more loudly. "If you have the book, give it to them."

"Charlie has the damn Book of the Damned?!" Dean growled ever louder than you had heard him yell from the bed.

"Then give them your notes Charlie. Give them whatever it is they want..." Sam now pleaded into the phone.

As you moved closer to the library step, you watched as Dean ripped the phone away from Sam's ear and spoke into it hurriedly.  "Charlie! I don't know what the hell is going on but you need to listen to me..." His eyes locked on yours as he walked towards you and he grabbed you by your good arm, pulling you along with him. "Give whoever that is, whatever they want. You understand?!..." Dean commanded into the device.

He moved in front of you and began to climb the stairs. And you followed along as quickly as you could, with Sam coming up behind you, gently nudging you forward. You kept your right arm tucked close into your side, ever conscious to not fall over, less you hurt it again.

"Charlie?!..." Dean called her name into the phone as he reached the landing, pausing to check you were behind him before moving to the door. Finally he ended the call with "We're on our way."

As Dean pushed the metal door outwards into the night, the sound of heavy rain hit your eardrums. No wonder it had been cool earlier. He shrugged his jacket off, placed it over you and then reached for your free hand, pulling him with you towards Baby. He was silent now, though the anger was clear on his face. And even as his mind put him though such strong emotions, he still opened the door for you and ushered you into the back seat. Making sure to take care of you and your injury throughout his own turmoil.

You had no idea what was going on but you could only assume the worst by the urgency in his actions and what you had heard. He definitely knew about the book and he knew Charlie had been working with it. What else did he know?

 Abducted: Part Two (SPN | Dean x Reader | Slow Burn)Where stories live. Discover now