Chapter 13: More Than Friends

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March 2015

When you woke up the next morning, you found you had rolled over onto your tummy once again during the night. But the heavy weight of Dean's arm on the small of your back pleasantly surprised you. Opening your eyes, you saw him still asleep on his side and facing you. Not wanting to wake him, you lay still and listened to the gentle sound of him breathing.

You realised you'd be happy to do this every day if he asked. Even if your relationship didn't progress. Now that was a scary thought.

You had always wanted what he called the apple pie life. Not necessarily married, although the idea of feeling like a princess for a day in a beautiful white gown enticed you. It was more the commitment you desired and the possibility of a family, even though holding babies scared the crap out of you. Your friends who already had that back home had made you jealous for years.

Your thoughts were getting away with you again and you decided it better to consider getting ready for the day. The only problem was the still sleeping man beside you. Turning your head, your arm stretched to reach your phone to at the very least check the time. Depending on what you read, would help you make the decision of getting up or staying with him longer.

As the screen lit up though, you heard his sleepy voice ask. "What time is it?"

It was close to half past eight.

"Eight thirty." You answered before pulling the cord out of the device and placing it back gently on the bedside table. You then turned your head back over to look at him.

Dean's eyes were still half closed but his mouth widened into a grin when he saw you watching him. "Morning sweetheart."

"Hey..." You whispered. "How'd you sleep?"

Your right hand was currently up by your face and he used his left to grab hold of it, squeezing gently. "Your girly sheets are amazing..."

"Yeah... Thousand thread counts will do that for you." You added proudly. This purchase had been the best decision you'd made since you moved into the bunker. "Maybe you need to get yourself some for that memory foam mattress of yours."

Dean mhmm'd. "Maybe... Or we just move these into my room..."

"What?!" You asked confused.

His chuckling from your reaction made you realise he was just trying to rile you up, but you didn't find it particularly funny. You hadn't even slept with... Scrap that. Had sex with the guy yet and he was taking the piss with jokes like moving in with him.

Your face must've shown anguish because he began to placate you. His right hand stroking your hair. "Relax... I was just messing with you. But someday after later, I hope you'll consider sharing with me then." He winked through another grin.

"Not with the weapons on the wall I won't... I dunno how you sleep at night..." While you were sarcastic, you were also half serious.

"My rooms the safest one in the bunker!" He exclaimed. "For you maybe..." You quickly added with a smirk.

The grin that was there left his face and his eyes lost their sparkle. Your own features mirrored his as you realised how he must've taken what you had said. As you felt his grip on your right hand loosen, you squeezed your fingers to stop him from pulling away entirely. "I didn't mean it that way." You said gently.

"I'm not scared of you, even after everything I've seen... I just, still REALLY dislike guns..." You emphasised the word really, your voice crescendoing into a more humorous tone. "You can keep me out of Australia, but the gun laws are still ingrained my brain..."

 Abducted: Part Two (SPN | Dean x Reader | Slow Burn)Where stories live. Discover now